The RICS transfer feature enables retailers to track, analyze, and resolve transferred inventory transactions through the RICS Back Office.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to analyze transfer orders using:
• Reconcile a Transfer Order
• Generate a Transfer Summary Report
• Generate an Inventory Detail Report
The Reconcile Transfer Order feature enables retailers to resolve discrepancies between transferred and received quantities.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory :: Stock Transfer :: Reconcile Transfer
2. To select a transfer order, enter or search for a transfer order number in the Transfer Order # LookUp field
Note: After a transfer order is selected, the transfer order details will display.
3. Click the Transfer Order Detail tab
Note: After the Transfer Order Detail tab is clicked, all SKUs available for reconciliation will display.
4. Select Reconcile next to the SKU to be reconciled
5. Select one of the appropriate reconciliation methods based on the SKU’s transfer status
Over Received Options:
Reduce Received (Receiving Error) – Select to decrease the received quantity to match the transferred quantity from the transferring store. Example: Store A transferred a quantity of 1 for item X. Store B received a quantity of 2 for item X. Select this option to adjust the received quantity to 1 for item X at Store B and not affect Store A’s current on hand.
Increase Transferred (Shipping Error) – Select to increase the transferred quantity from the transferring store to match the received quantity. Example: Store A transferred a quantity of 1 for item X. Store B received a quantity of 2 for item X. Select this option to adjust the transferred quantity to 2 for item X from Store A, decreasing Store A’s current on hand.
Increase Transferred (Miraculous Multiplication) – Select to increase the transferred quantity from the transferring store to match the received quantity and set the transferring store’s inventory back to the quantity on hand before reconciliation. Example: Store A transferred a quantity of 1 for item X and now has zero on hand. Store B received a quantity of 2 for item X. Select this option to adjust the transferred quantity to 1 for item X and then set the on hand inventory back to zero for Store A.
Under Received Options:
Increase Received (Receiving Error) – Select to increase the received quantity to match the transferred quantity from the transferring store. Example: Store A transferred a quantity of 1 for item X. Store B received a quantity of zero for item X. Select this option to adjust the received quantity to 1 for item X at Store B and not affect Store A’s on hand.
Reduce Transferred (Shipping Error) – Select to decrease the transferred quantity from the transferring store to match the received quantity. Example: Store A transferred a quantity of 1 for item X. Store B received a quantity of zero for item X. Select this option to adjust the transferred quantity to zero for item X from Store A, increasing Store A’s current on hand.
Reduce Transferred (Shrinkage) – Select to decrease the transferred quantity from the transferring store to match the received quantity and set the transferring store’s inventory back to the quantity on hand before reconciliation. Example: Store A transferred a quantity of 1 for item X and now has zero on hand. Store B received a quantity of zero for item X. Select this option to adjust the transferred quantity to zero for item X and then set the on hand inventory back to zero for Store A.
6. Click Reconcile
7. Repeat Steps 4-7 for all remaining items to be reconciled
The RICS Transfer Summary report enables retailers to analyze transfer details, transferred quantities, received quantities, and unreceived transferred quantities for a store. To generate a Transfer Summary report:
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Report Creator
2. Type Transfer Summary in the search box or navigate to Inventory/Purchase Orders :: Transfer Summary in the menu
1. Use the File Type dropdown menu to determine the output format
Note: If choosing CSV, use the Advanced Options dropdown to set a Field Delimiter.
2. As needed, enter a report description in the Report Name field
Note: Report descriptions will display in the Report Manager screen.
3. As needed, enter a valid email address in the Email A Copy To field to email the report
1. Use the scroll bar to navigate to the Report Options section
2. Select a date or date range from the Transfer Period dropdown menu to determine during what period to analyze transfer orders
3. Select the Show Details checkbox to display store totals
1. After selecting the report options, use the scroll bar to navigate to the Report Criteria section
Note: To report on all transfer orders within a store(s) based on the selections in the Report Options section only, proceed to Step 3.
2. Enter the necessary criteria to determine what transfer orders to display on the report. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.
Report Criteria Options:
By Store – Enter or search for a store code(s) to determine which store(s) to output.
By Store State – Enter or search for a store state(s) as set up in Setup :: Manage Store :: Store Setup to determine which store(s) to output.
Store Custom Entries – If set up within the organization, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which custom entry to output.
Note: If selecting multiple Stores, Store States or Store Custom Entries, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.
3. Click Run
The Inventory Detail report enables retailers to analyze inventory changes due to receiving, sales, purchase orders and physical inventory transactions as determined by the selected criteria, and inventory change types. To generate a Transfer Summary report:
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Report Creator
2. Type Inventory Detail in the search box or navigate to Inventory/Purchase Orders :: Inventory Detail in the menu
1. Use the File Type dropdown menu to determine the output format
Note: If choosing CSV, use the Advanced Options dropdown to set a Field Delimiter.
2. As needed, enter a report description in the Report Name field
Note: Report descriptions will display in the Report Manager screen.
3. As needed, enter a valid email address in the Email A Copy To field to email the report
1. Use the scroll bar to navigate to the Report Option section
2. Select a date or date range from the Sales Period dropdown menu to determine during what period to analyze inventory transactions
3. Select the Include Costs and Pricing checkbox to display the cost of an item at the time the transaction occurred
4. Use the Report Type and Sort By dropdown menus to determine in what level and order to display the analyzed items
Report Type Options:
Size Detail – Select to display item information by date, inventory change type and size.
SKU Detail – Select to display item information by date and inventory change type.
SKU Summary – Select to display item information by inventory change type.
Class / Supplier / PO Summary – Select to display the class, supplier, or purchase order information by inventory change type.
Store Summary – Select to display the store information by inventory change type.
Sort By Options:
SKU – Select to order items based on SKU as set in Setup :: Manage SKUs
Class / SKU – Select to order items based on class and SKU as set in Setup :: Manage SKUs
Supplier / SKU – Select to order items based on supplier and SKU as set in Setup :: Manage SKUs
PO – Select to order items based on purchase order and SKU as set in Setup :: Manage SKUs
5. Select the Inventory Change Type options to determine which inventory transactions to analyze
Inventory Change Type Options:
Transfer Out – Select to view items transferred out of the store’s inventory within the selected sales period.
Transfer In – Select to view items transferred into the store’s inventory within the selected sales period.
In-Transit – Select to view items transferred to the store but have not yet been received within the selected sales period.
Purchase Order Receipt – Select to view items received into the store’s inventory on a purchase order within the selected sales period.
Physical Count – Select to view items entered into the store’s inventory via Inventory :: Physical Inventory :: Enter Physical Counts within the selected sales period.
Receipts w/out Purchase Order – Select to view items received into the store’s inventory without a purchase order within the selected sales period.
Return to Supplier – Select to view items removed from the store’s inventory to be returned to the supplier within the selected sales period.
Store Sales (COGS) – Select to view items sold from the store within the selected sales period.
Adjustments – Select to view items reconciled, reduced, or increased based on transfers, or merged within the selected sales period.
Into Non-Sellable – Select to view items moved into the store’s non-sellable inventory within the selected sales period.
From Non-Sellable - Select to view items moved out of the store’s non-sellable inventory within the selected sales period.
1. After selecting the report options, scroll to the Report Criteria section
Note: To report on all items within a store based on the selections in the Report Options section only, proceed to Step 3.
2. Select and enter the necessary criteria to determine what items to display
Report Criteria Options:
By Store – Enter or search for a store code(s) to determine which store(s) to output.
By Store State – Enter a state’s abbreviation(s) to determine which state(s) to output.
By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) to determine which supplier(s) to output.
By Class – From the dropdown menu, select the class or classes to determine which class to output.
By Color – Enter a color(s) to determine which color(s) to output.
By SKU – Enter or search for an item(s) to determine which item(s) to output.
By PO# - Enter or search for a purchase order number(s) to determine which purchase order(s) to output.
Product Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which custom entry to output.
Note: Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search. If selecting multiple Stores, States, Suppliers, Colors, SKUs, Purchase Orders or Product Custom Entries, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.
3. Click Run