RICS users have the ability to connect an eCommerce selling platform with RICS to automatically update inventory on-hand totals available to a website based on supplier, SKU, and/or inventory buffer. In addition, RICS also provides a user with the ability to manage website prices separately from other stores within a RICS account to keep prices on a website from being impacted by price discounts within a brick and mortar store(s).
• Manage eCommerce Catalog
• Manage Inventory Safety Stock (Class Buffer)
• Manage Website Pricing
To determine what products and inventory levels are available to a website as sellable online, follow the steps below to set SKUs as sellable online based on supplier and/or SKU.
The sellable online setting for suppliers can be managed through the Manage Supplier page of the RICS Back Office or through Universal Imports.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Suppliers
2. To select an existing supplier, enter or search for the supplier code in the Supplier Code field
Note: After the supplier is selected, the supplier details will populate.
3. Click the eCommerce Options tab
4. Select a Sellable Online option
None of this supplier’s products are available to sell online – All SKUs with this supplier code will NOT be sent to the website.
All of this supplier’s products are available to sell online – All SKUs with this supplier code will be sent to the website.
Products must be selected to be available to sell online using the Manage SKU screen – All SKUs with this supplier code must be configured individually to be sent to the website via the Setup :: Manage SKU screen.
5. Click Save and Clear
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Report Creator and search for "Export Suppliers"
2. Select the report search result
3. Enter the desired report filters and criteria
4. Click Run
Note: To export all suppliers, leave the report options and report criteria fields blank.
5. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Report Manager
6. Select the Export Suppliers report
Note: The supplier export will open in Excel in the same format as the supplier import file.
7. Edit the supplier(s) online status in the IsSellableOnline column
Online Status Options:
None – All SKUs with this supplier code will NOT be sent to the website.
All – All SKUs with this supplier code will be sent to the website.
Select – All SKUs with this supplier code must be configured individually to be sent to the website via the Setup :: Manage SKU screen.
8. Click File, then Save As to name and save the supplier import in .csv format
9. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Imports :: Universal Imports
10. Click Choose Files
11. Select the supplier import saved in Step 5
12. Click Open
Note: After the supplier import is opened, the file will appear in green with the number of records to be updated. If a message appears in red, please address any issues prior to completing Step 13. The Import Type and # of Records will also display the type of import and number of suppliers within the file.
13. In the Treat As section, select Updates
14. Click Import Records
If the "Products must be selected to be available to sell online using the Manage SKU screen" selection was made for a supplier, the associated SKUs can be marked as sellable online through the Manage SKUs page or through Universal Imports.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage SKUs
2. To select an existing SKU, enter or search for the SKU in the SKU field
Note: After the SKU is selected, the SKU details will populate.
3. Click the eCommerce tab
4. Select a Sellable Online option
This product will not be sellable online even if the supplier is set to ‘select product’ – This SKU will not be sent to the website.
This product will be sellable online if the supplier is set to ‘select products’ and all other requirements are met. i.e. It has On Hand – This SKU will be sent to the website.
5. Click Save and Clear
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Report Creator and search for "Export SKUs"
2. Select the report search result
3. Enter the desired report filters and criteria
4. Click Run
Note: To export all SKUs, leave the report options and report criteria fields blank.
5. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Report Manager
6. Select the Export SKUs report
Note: The SKU export will open in Excel in the same format as a SKU import file.
7. Update SKU(s) online status in the IsSellableOnline column
Online Status Options:
True – The SKU will be sent to the website.
False – The SKU will NOT be sent to the website.
8. Click File, then Save As to name and save the SKU import in .csv format
9. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Imports :: Universal Imports
10. Click Choose Files
11. Select the SKU import saved in Step 5
12. Click Open
Note: After the SKU import is opened, the file will appear in green with the number of records to be imported. If a message appears in red, please address any issues prior to completing Step 13. The Import Type and # of Records will also reflect the type of import and number of SKUs within the file.
13. In the Treat As section, select Updates
14. Click Import Records
The Inventory Class Buffer is designed to set a safety stock and prevent depletion of a brick and mortar store(s) inventory. Follow the steps below to enter how much inventory is reserved for brick and mortar stores, at the class level.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Inventory Class Buffer
Note: An inventory class buffer can be set at an organization and store level. To set an inventory class buffer at a store level, navigate to the store before proceeding to Step 2.
2. Enter the safety stock quantity to be reserved for your brick and mortar store(s) by class(es)
Note: To set the same safety stock quantity for all sub-classes of a class enter the safety stock quantity at the desired class level.
3. Click Save
To assist retailers who have a brick and mortar and a website within RICS, RICS provides users with the option to manage prices at the store level.
Follow the steps below to prevent organization price changes from updating and affecting the website pricing.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory :: Stock Maintenance :: Enter Price Discounts at the store level
2. Enter the batch name in the Batch Name field (Example – Website Prices)
3. Enter the discount description in the Description field (Example – Website Prices)
4. Enter the date in which to begin the discount in the Start Date field
Note: The start date must be the current date or a future date.
5. Select to calculate the discount by Percentage in the Price Change Method and Amount field
6. Enter 0% in the Decrease Prices by field
Note: Entering a 0% will create a 0% discount batch that will prevent an organization/store owner price from affecting the website.
1. Select and enter the necessary criteria to determine what items a discount batch will impact. Multiple criteria options can be entered for a single batch.
Note: To create a price discount batch for all sellable SKUs, proceed to Step 3.
By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) to determine which supplier(s) to discount.
By Class – From the dropdown menu, select the class or classes to determine which class to discount.
By Color – Enter a color(s) to determine which color(s) to discount.
By SKU – Enter or search for an item(s) to determine which item(s) to discount.
Product Custom Entries – If product custom entries are utilized within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which custom entry to discount.
Note: If selecting multiple Suppliers, Colors, SKUs or Product Custom Entries, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.
2. Use the Options dropdown menu to determine which items to discount based on price:
Include all SKUs regardless of price – The discount batch will be applied to all SKUs matching the criteria set in Step 1 ignoring any retail or markdown prices.
Include only SKUs at the original retail price – The discount batch will be applied to all SKUs matching the criteria set in Step 1 for SKUs without a markdown on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.
Include only SKUs at markdown prices – The discount batch will be applied to all SKUs matching the criteria set in Step 1 for SKUs with a markdown on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.
Include on SKUs with Perks – The discount batch will be applied to all SKUs matching the criteria set in Step 1 for SKUs with a perk listed on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.
3. Click Save
Follow the steps below to create a temporary or permanent cost, retail and/or markdown price for a specific sellable SKU.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage SKUs at the store level
2. To select an item, enter or search for a SKU in the SKU LookUp field
Note: After the item is selected, the current cost, retail and markdown price will display
3. Enter the permanent or temporary cost, retail and/or markdown price into the corresponding field(s) for a SKU or individual SKU size(s)
Permanent Price Option (SKU):
• Enter the new cost, retail and/or markdown price in the corresponding field(s)
• After the price(s) have been updated, proceed to Step 5
Temporary Price Option (SKU):
• Click the View Advance Editing icon next to price field to be edited
• Enter the new cost, retail and/or markdown price
• Enter the Start Date and End Date
• Click Change
• Click Close Advanced Pricing
4. Click Save and Clear