This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
• Enable the Time Clock
• Give Permission to the Time Clock
• Report on Time Clock Data
Refer to the Managing Time Clock Records article for more information on managing open and closed time clock records as well as adding new time clock records.
Enabling the Time Clock:
Enable the Time Clock in RICS through the Setup:: Manage Store:: Setup Settings. It can be turned on at the Store Owner level or the Store Level. RICS recommends that you enable the Time Clock at the Store Owner level so the settings will flow down to each store. In addition to enabling, you manage some additional settings seen below on the Setup Settings page.
Giving Time Clock Permissions to Users
Clocking in and out at the POS
In order for users to be able to clock in and out on the POS the roles they have must be assigned the POS Basic permissions.
Changing Time Clock Time
Changing your own time:
Users can be granted permission to modify their own time when clocking in and out on the POS if they have a role that has been assigned the POS : Admin permission of 'Change Time Clock Time'.
Changing the time for others:
Users can be granted permission to modify other users time clock times when the other users is clocking in and out on the POS if they have a role that has been assigned the POS : Admin permission of 'Change Time Clock for Other Users'.
Managing Time Clock Records
Time clock records are managed on the System:: Time Clock page in the RICS Back Office. Users can access this page to manage/add/modify time clock records if their user has a role that has been assisgned the User : Admin permission of 'Time Clock'.
Reporting on Time Clock Data
Time clock information can be reported on using the Time Clock Data report accessed from the Report Creator in the RICS Back Office. Users have permission to the Time Clock Data report if they have roles that have been assigned the Reporting : SalesPeople permission of 'Time clock'.