We are excited to introduce a new benefit to our run specialty clients: RICS Formatted Product Catalogs.
Our goal is to save you time by getting and making available as many Brand Catalogs as we can. We’ll continue adding more as their catalogs are ready and shared with us. The RICS Formatted Product Catalogs will be posted in the RICS Help Center for download.
This is only the beginning of several coming soon Brand Connectivity initiatives that will make product catalog management even easier in RICS.
Our goal is to save you time by getting and making available as many RICS Formatted Product Catalogs as we can. You’ll need to enter your class mapping info before importing the Product Catalogs into the RICS Back Office.
This document will help you:
• Prepare the SKU File
• Prepare the UPC File
• Import Product Catalog Files
Prepare the SKU File
Follow the steps below to prepare your SKU file for import.
1. Remove any styles that already exist in your organization.
2. Enter the appropriate values in the following fields:
o Supplier Code (Column B)
o ClassPath (Column J)
Note: The class path must be in TagParent|TagFormat (e.g.; Womens|Athletic|Running)
o Primary Grid (Column N)
Note: The primary grid field is optional, but should be entered if the product will be ordered, received and sold as separate sizes (i.e., S, M, L; 10, 10.5, 11)
o Secondary Grid (Column O if applicable)
Note: The secondary grid field is optional, but should be entered if the product will be ordered, received and sold as separate widths/lengths (i.e., B, D, 2E; N, M, W)
3. Save file as .csv
Prepare the UPC File
Follow the steps below to prepare your UPC file for import.
1. Remove any styles that already exist in your organization.
2. Enter the appropriate values in the following fields:
o Supplier Code (Column B)
o Primary Grid (Column C)
o Secondary Grid (Column E if applicable)
o Secondary Feature (Column F if applicable)
Note: A secondary feature is only required if a secondary grid is associated with a SKU.
3. Save file as .csv
Import Product Catalog Files
Follow the steps below to import your Product Catalog files for import.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Imports :: Universal Imports
2. Click Choose Files
3. Select the Product Catalog SKU import
4. Click Open
Note: After the UPC import is opened, the file will appear in green with the number of records to be imported. If a message appears in red, please address any issues prior to completing Step 5. The Import Type and # of Records will also reflect the type of import and number of UPCs within the file.
5. In the Treat As section, select New Entries
6. Click Import Records
7. Review the Import Report from the Report History to verify the SKU import was successful
8. Repeat steps 1 – 7 using the Product Catalog UPC file