The Receive Stock without Purchase Order feature enables retailers to receive a shipment from a supplier for items not entered on a purchase order in the RICS Back Office. This feature also allows retailers to adjust inventory quantities if on hand counts are inaccurate by entering a negative or positive quantity for a single product.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to receive stock using:
• Receive Stock Without a PO – SKU Detail
• Receive Stock Without a PO – Scanning
• Receive Stock Without a PO – Upload
Follow the steps below to receive stock without a purchase order via the SKU Detail tab.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory :: Receiving :: Receive Stock without PO at the Store level
2. To select a SKU, enter or search for a SKU in the SKU field
Note: After the SKU is selected, the SKU details and SKU grid will display.
SKU Details:
SKU Grid:
Note: If the entered item is on a purchase order, the user will receive the following Alert Message. Verify the entered item is not part of a purchase order and continue to Step 3. If the entered item is part of a purchase order, click Clear to remove the item and reference Receive Purchase Order.
3. Enter the quantity options under the appropriate column and/or row
Receive Inventory – Enter a (+) quantity to receive quantities into a store’s inventory. (e.g. 2)
Adjust / Remove Inventory – Enter a (-) quantity to remove quantities from a store’s inventory. (e.g. -2)
Note: To view current on hand inventory quantities for an item, select the Show On Hand Qtys checkbox.
4. Click Save
5. Click Print Log to generate a receiving log on the Report History screen
Follow the steps below to receive stock without a purchase order via the Scanning tab.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory:: Receiving:: Receive Stock without PO at the Store level
2. Click the Scanning tab
3. If necessary, unselect the Store Labels checkbox to prevent RICS from generating a label for all items received
4. Scan all UPCs for the items to be received in a shipment
Note: If the scanned item is on a purchase order, the user will receive the following Alert Message. Verify the scanned item is not part of a purchase order and continue to Step 5. If the scanned item is part of a purchase order, click the delete icon next to the item to remove the item and reference Receive Purchase Order.
5. After scanning the final UPC, click Add to account for the last UPC scanned
6. Click Save
7. Click Print Log to generate a receiving log on the Report History screen
Follow the steps below to receive stock without a purchase order via the Upload tab and Datalogic Memor portable reader.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory :: Receiving :: Receive Stock without PO at the Store level
2. Click the Upload tab
3. Connect the Datalogic Memor portable reader to the computer.
4. Click the Upload From Reader option
5. Use the Reader Type dropdown menu to select DataLogic Memor
6. Click Get Data from Reader
7. In the File Dialog box, name the uploaded file and click Save to store the file on the computer
Note: After the file is uploaded, the user will receive a message verifying the file has been uploaded successfully.
8. Click the Scanning tab
9. Click Save
10. Click Print Log to generate a receiving log on the Report History screen