The RICS POS enables retailers to create a sales batch and process transactions in order to analyze store and salesperson performance within the RICS Back Office. Creating a sales batch and processing transactions allows retailers to analyze store sales on a daily or batch level, as well as salesperson, supplier, class, SKU, etc.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
• Open a Batch
• Process a Transaction
• Close a Batch
• Determine a Transaction Type
• Manage Additional Ticket Options
Follow the steps below to open a batch on the RICS POS.
1. Double click the RICS POS icon and log in to the RICS POS
Note: Upon opening and logging on to the RICS POS for the day, a user should be presented with an Open Batch screen. If this is not the case, please follow the steps in Close a Batch prior to proceeding.
2. Click Open Cash Drawer
3. Click Count
Note: After Count is selected, the user will be presented with a Count Cash window to enter or verify the opening cash count.
4. Count and enter the quantity for each coin and bill in the corresponding field
5. Click Save
Note: After Save is selected, the counted value will update the Opening Cash Count field.
6. If necessary, click Print Cash Counts
7. If necessary, enter a new ticket number in the Last Ticket Number field
Note: To maintain unique ticket numbers, RICS does not recommend altering this field.
8. Click Save
Follow the steps below to process a transaction through the RICS POS.
1. Use the Cashier dropdown menu to select a cashier
2. To select a customer, enter an account number in the Customer field
Note: If the account number is unknown, search for a customer by Last Name, First Name or email address using the Customer Lookup icon.
3. After the account number is selected, determine in which option to proceed
Customer exists, all information is accurate – Proceed to Step 4.
Customer exists, information is inaccurate – Click Customer Management and edit the necessary fields in the Manage Customer screen. Click Save and Close, when all edits have been completed to return to the Ticket Header screen. Proceed to Step 4.
Customer does not exist, is interested in being added to the RICS Back Office and RICS POS – Click Yes when prompted to add the customer. The Manage Customer screen will display, allowing the user to enter all the necessary and available information. Click Save and Close when all information is entered to return the Ticket Header screen. Proceed to Step 4.
Customer does not exist and does not wish to be added to the RICS Back Office and RICS POS – Click No Thank You when prompted and proceed to Step 4
Manage Customer Screen:
4. If necessary, use the Sale Type dropdown menu to select the appropriate sale type
Store Sale (Default) – Select for all standard transactions processed through the RICS POS.
Web Sale – Select for ecommerce transactions processed through the RICS POS.
Catalog Sale (Phone) – Select for phone transactions processed through the RICS POS.
Wholesale – Select for wholesale transactions processed through the RICS POS.
Note: The Sale Type option should only be modified if in structured by a manager and/or owner.
5. If necessary, use the Promotion Code dropdown menu to select a promotion code to tie to a ticket
6. If necessary, enter a discount percent in the Ticket Discount % field to be applied to all items, excluding Gift Cards
7. If available, select the Email Receipt checkbox to email a receipt to the customer’s email address
Note: Email Receipt checkbox will be available based on information entered in the Manage Customer screen. If Email Receipt is selected, the checkbox will remain selected for future purchases unless unselected at a later time.
8. If necessary, select the Print Gift Receipt checkbox
1. Use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to select how a transaction will be processed on the RICS POS
Note: To view all transaction types, including steps and descriptions, please reference Determine a Transaction Type.
2. After the transaction type is selected, determine in which option to add an item to a ticket
Scan/ Enter UPC – Scan or enter the UPC in the UPC field to add an item to the ticket. After the UPC is scanned or entered, the item information will display. If necessary, update the quantity being purchased in the Quantity field and/or proceed to Step 3.
Enter SKU – Enter the SKU in the SKU field to add an item to the ticket. After the SKU is entered, the user may be required to select a Col or Row value associated with the item to display the item information. If necessary, update the quantity being purchased in the Quantity field and/or proceed to Step 3.
Search SKU – Search the SKU in the SKU field using the SKU Lookup icon to add an item to the ticket. After the SKU is clicked, the user may be required to select a Col or Row value associated with the item to display the item information. If necessary, update the quantity being purchased in the Quantity field and/or proceed to Step 3.
SKU Lookup Screen:
3. If necessary, enter a comment in the SKU Comment field
Note: If a SKU comment is entered for an item the comment will print on the receipt just below the item.
4. If necessary, edit the price in the Price field
Note: To modify the price of an item, RICS recommends using the Discount % and Amount fields described in Step 5.
5. If necessary, enter a Discount % or Discount Amount in the corresponding field
Note: If a discount reason was created and set up in Setup :: Codes :: Manage Discount Reasons, use the Discount Reason dropdown menu to select the appropriate discount reason.
6. If necessary, unselect the Sales Tax checkbox to remove tax on an item being purchased
Note: Tax can be removed from an entire ticket by following Step 2 under Ticket Payment.
7. If necessary, use the Salesperson dropdown menu to select a salesperson
Note: The salesperson will default to the cashier selected in Step 1 of Ticket Header, but can be modified as needed for each item being processed through the RICS POS.
8. Click Add Item (F10)
9. To add additional items to a ticket, repeat Steps 1-8
Note: If multiple items are purchased, as items are added to a ticket the item will display in the Item List section on the Ticket Detail tab.
1. If necessary, enter a comment in the Ticket Comment field
Note: If a ticket comment is entered the comment will print on the receipt just above the Ticket Footer.
2. If necessary, unselect the Sales Tax checkbox to remove tax from the entire ticket
Note: Tax can be removed from an item on the ticket by following Step 6 under Ticket Detail.
3. If necessary, enter a zip code in the Shipping To Zip field to manually add shipping cost to a ticket
4. Use the Tender dropdown menu to select a tender to finalize payment
Note: A list of available tenders will display below the Ticket Comment section.
5. To add additional tenders, enter the payment amount for the first tender and repeat Steps 4-5 until Total Due is $0.00
6. Click End Sale (F9)
Follow the steps below to close a batch on the RICS POS at the end of a business day and/or cashier change.
1. Click Close Batch
Note: After close batch is selected, a batch and deposit summary for the batch will display for the RICS POS.
2. Click Cash Totals (F6) tab
Note: After cash totals is selected, a sale type(s), sales transaction and tender type(s) recap for the batch will display for the RICS POS.
3. Click Print
4. Click Count Money (F7) tab
Note: After count money is selected, a tender deposit total for each tender used on the batch and set to Is Cash Deposit in the Setup :: Manage Store :: Tender Setup screen will display below the Computer Count header. The amount displayed includes the amount received for a tender while a batch is open and does not include the starting cash drawer amount.
5. Click Count next to each tender description
6. Enter and/or count each tender deposit amount
7. Click Save after each tender deposit count
Note: After save is selected for a Cash tender deposit, remove the deposit amount from the drawer prior to counting the Ending Cash Drawer Amount to prevent an inaccurate ending cash drawer amount.
Example: If a cash deposit of $254.67 will be made, remove that amount from the drawer. Click Count next to Ending Cash Drawer Amount and verify $400.00 is still in the drawer by entering the quantity for each coin and bill in the corresponding field.
8. Verify the Difference is $0.00 for each tender deposit
Note: If the Difference is not $0.00, repeat Steps 5-7 to verify count.
9. Click Print
10. Click Salesperson Summary tab
Note: After salesperson summary is selected, the total sales, perks, tickets with/without a customer and hours clocked in for each salesperson for the batch will display.
11. Click Print
12. Click Close Batch
The RICS POS includes transaction types enabling a retailer to process sales transactions differently based on the circumstance of a sale. To assist the retailer in determining which transaction type to select, below is a brief description along with instructions to process more complex transactions.
Note: After determining the transaction type, please reference Process a Transaction section.
Regular Sale:
Description – Select to process a transaction in which a customer is paying for an item in full and taking the item out of the store.
Example – A customer is purchasing one or more item(s), currently on hand at a store and will be paying in full for the item(s).
RICS POS Screen:
Description – Select to process a transaction in which a customer is returning an item previously purchased.
Note: Use the Return Reason dropdown menu to select a return reason to complete a return.
Example – A customer purchased one or more item(s) at the store on a previous date and no longer needs/wants the item.
RICS POS Screen:
Gift Card Internal:
Description – Select to process a transaction in which a customer is purchasing a gift card to be tracked within the RICS POS and RICS Back Office.
Note: To sell a gift card, scan or enter the gift card number in the Gift Card Number field, followed by the amount the gift card will be issued in the Gift Card Amount field.
Example – A customer is purchasing a gift card for a value of $125.00 and will paying for the gift card in full.
RICS POS Screen:
Employee Sale:
Description – Select to process a transaction in which an employee is purchasing an item in full and taking the item out of the store.
Note: The employee sale transaction type should be used to easily identify, track and analyze employee purchases within the RICS Back Office.
Example – An employee is purchasing one or more item(s), currently on hand at a store and will be paying in full for the item(s).
RICS POS Screen:
The RICS POS enables retailers with the ability to discount items using a coupon, sell item(s) on a layaway program with routine payments, and/or sell item(s) to a customer when an item(s) is not present within a store and will be ordered from the supplier.
Follow the steps below to add a coupon to a current ticket on the RICS POS.
1. On the Ticket Detail tab, use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to select Coupon
2. After the transaction type is selected, determine in which option to add a coupon to a ticket
Scan/ Enter UPC – Scan or enter the UPC in the Coupon UPC field to add aa coupon to the ticket. After the UPC is scanned or entered, the coupon information will display. Proceed to Step 3.
Enter Coupon Code – Enter the coupon code in the Coupon Code field to add a coupon to the ticket. After the coupon code is entered, the coupon information will display. Proceed to Step 3.
Search Coupon – Search the coupon in the Coupon Code field using the Coupon Code Lookup icon to add a coupon to the ticket. After the coupon is selected, the coupon information will display. Proceed to Step 3.
Coupon Code Lookup Screen:
3. Click Add Item
Note: After add item is selected, the coupon will display in the item list section.
4. Click Ticket Payment tab
Note: If more than one item is purchased on a ticket, the user will be prompted to select the item to apply the coupon prior to proceeding to the Ticket Payment tab. If the user is not prompted to select an item, follow the Ticket Payment Tab steps under Process a Transaction.
5. Select an item(s) in which a coupon will be applied
6. Click Apply
Note: After all coupons have been applied, follow the Ticket Payment Tab steps under Process a Transaction.
Follow the steps below to process a layaway sale on the RICS POS.
Note: A layaway transaction is typically used when a customer is purchasing an item within a store by placing a down payment to reserve the item for a later pickup date and time. A layaway sale will be considered a sale at the time of the initial transaction. An account number will be required for all layaway type transactions.
1. On the Ticket Detail tab, use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to select Layaway Sale
2. After the transaction type is selected, determine in which option to add an item to a ticket
Scan/ Enter UPC – Scan or enter the UPC in the UPC field to add an item to the ticket. After the UPC is scanned or entered, the item information will display. If necessary, update the quantity being purchased in the Quantity field and/or proceed to Step 3.
Enter SKU – Enter the SKU in the SKU field to add an item to the ticket. After the SKU is entered, the user may be required to select a Col or Row value associated with the item to display the item information. If necessary, update the quantity being purchased in the Quantity field and/or proceed to Step 3.
Search SKU – Search the SKU in the SKU field using the SKU Lookup icon to add an item to the ticket. After the SKU is selected, the user may be required to select a Col or Row value associated with the item to display the item information. If necessary, update the quantity being purchased in the Quantity field and/or proceed to Step 3.
SKU Lookup Screen:
3. If necessary, edit the deposit amount the customer is paying towards the item
Note: The minimum deposit amount will automatically display based on the percent entered on the Setup :: Manage Store :: Setup Settings :: Special Orders/Layaway Options screen.
4. Click Add Item
Note: After add item is selected, the layaway sale will display in the item list section.
5. Repeat Steps 1-4 to add additional items to a layaway ticket or use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to add additional items.
Note: After all items have been added, follow the Ticket Payment Tab steps under Process a Transaction.
Follow the steps below to process a layaway payment on the RICS POS.
Note: A layaway payment is typically used when a customer is making a payment on an existing layaway but picking up an item for a later date and time. An account number will be required for all layaway type transactions.
1. On the Ticket Detail tab, use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to select Layaway Payment
2. Click Pick
Note: After pick is selected, all open layaways associated with the customer will display.
3. Click the layaway ticket number the customer wishes to apply a payment
4. Click OK
Note: After OK is selected, the layaway details associated with the layaway ticket number will display.
5. Enter the payment amount in the Payment Amount field
6. Click Add Item
Note: After add item is selected, the layaway payment will display in the item list section.
7. Repeat Steps 1-6 to make additional payments or use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to add additional items.
Note: After all payments and/or items have been added, follow the Ticket Payment Tab steps under Process a Transaction.
Follow the steps below to process a layaway pickup on the RICS POS.
Note: A layaway pickup is typically used when a customer is pickup up an item and making a final payment on an existing layaway. An account number will be required for all layaway type transactions.
1. On the Ticket Detail tab, use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to select Layaway Pickup
2. Click Pick
Note: After pick is selected, all open layaways associated with the customer will display.
3. Click the layaway ticket number the customer wishes to pickup
4. Click OK
Note: After OK is selected, the layaway details associated with the layaway ticket number will display and the remaining payment due will display the Payment Amount field.
5. Click Add Item
Note: After add item is selected, the layaway pickup will display in the item list section.
6. Repeat Steps 1-5 to pick up additional layaways or use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to add additional items.
Note: After all layaway pickups and/or items have been added, follow the Ticket Payment Tab steps under Process a Transaction.
Follow the steps below to process a layaway cancel on the RICS POS.
Note: A layaway cancel is typically used when a customer is canceling a layaway and a refund is being presented to a customer. An account number will be required for all layaway type transactions.
1. On the Ticket Detail tab, use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to select Layaway Cancel
2. Click Pick
Note: After pick is selected, all open layaways associated with the customer will display.
3. Click the layaway ticket number the customer wishes to cancel
4. Click OK
Note: After OK is selected, the layaway details associated with the layaway ticket number will display and all previous payments will display the Previous Payment field.
5. Click Add Item
Note: After add item is selected, the layaway cancel will display in the item list ection.
6. Repeat Steps 1-5 to cancel additional layaways or use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to add additional items.
Note: After all layaway cancels and/or items have been added, follow the Ticket Payment Tab steps under Process a Transaction.
Follow the steps below to process a Special Order Deposit on the RICS POS.
Note: A special order transaction is typically used when a customer is purchasing an item not within a store but is being ordered from the supplier and a down payment is placed to reserve the item for a later pickup date and time. A special order deposit is not considered a sale until the item is picked up. An account number will be required for all layaway type transactions.
1. On the Ticket Detail tab, use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to select Special Order Deposit
2. After the transaction type is selected, determine in which option to add an item to a ticket
Scan/ Enter UPC – Scan or enter the UPC in the UPC field to add an item to the ticket. After the UPC is scanned or entered, the item information will display. If necessary, update the quantity being purchased in the Quantity field and/or proceed to Step 3.
Enter SKU – Enter the SKU in the SKU field to add an item to the ticket. After the SKU is entered, the user may be required to select a Col or Row value associated with the item to display the item information. If necessary, update the quantity being purchased in the Quantity field and/or proceed to Step 3.
Search SKU – Search the SKU in the SKU field using the SKU Lookup icon to add an item to the ticket. After the SKU is selected, the user may be required to select a Col or Row value associated with the item to display the item information. If necessary, update the quantity being purchased in the Quantity field and/or proceed to Step 3.
SKU Lookup Screen:
3. If necessary, edit the deposit amount the customer is paying towards the item
Note: The minimum deposit amount will automatically display based on the percent entered on the Setup :: Manage Store :: Setup Settings :: Special Orders/Layaway Options screen.
4. Click Add Item
Note: After add item is selected, the special order deposit will display in the item list section.
5. Repeat Steps 1-4 to add additional items to a special order deposit or use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to add additional items.
Note: After all items have been added, follow the Ticket Payment Tab steps under Process a Transaction.
Follow the steps below to process a special order payment on the RICS POS.
Note: A special order payment is typically used when a customer is making a payment on an existing special order but picking up an item for a later date and time. An account number will be required for all layaway type transactions.
1. On the Ticket Detail tab, use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to select Special Order Payment
2. Click Pick
Note: After pick is selected, all open special order deposits associated with the customer will display.
3. Click the special order ticket number the customer wishes to apply a payment
4. Click OK
Note: After OK is selected, the special order details associated with the special order ticket number will display.
5. Enter the payment amount in the Payment Amount field
6. Click Add Item
Note: After add item is selected, the special order payment will display in the item list section.
7. Repeat Steps 1-6 to make additional payments or use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to add additional items.
Note: After all payments and/or items have been added, follow the Ticket Payment Tab steps under Process a Transaction.
Follow the steps below to process a special order pickup on the RICS POS.
Note: A special order pickup is typically used when a customer is pickup up an item and making a final payment on an existing special order. A special order pickup is considered a sale at the time of the transaction. An account number will be required for all layaway type transactions.
1. On the Ticket Detail tab, use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to select Special Order Pickup
2. Click Pick
Note: After pick is selected, all open special orders associated with the customer will display.
3. Click the special order ticket number the customer wishes to pickup
4. Click OK
Note: After OK is selected, the special order details associated with the special order ticket number will display and the remaining payment due will display the Payment Amount field.
5. Click Add Item
Note: After add item is selected, the special order pickup will display in the item list section.
6. Repeat Steps 1-5 to pick up additional special orders or use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to add additional items.
Note: After all special order pickups and/or items have been added, follow the Ticket Payment Tab steps under Process a Transaction.
Follow the steps below to process a special order cancel on the RICS POS.
Note: A special order cancel is typically used when a customer is canceling a special order and a refund is being presented to a customer. An account number will be required for all layaway type transactions.
1. On the Ticket Detail tab, use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to select Special Order Cancel
2. Click Pick
Note: After pick is selected, all open special orders associated with the customer will display.
3. Click the special order ticket number the customer wishes to cancel
4. Click OK
Note: After OK is selected, the special order details associated with the special order ticket number will display and all previous payments will display the Previous Payment field.
5. Click Add Item
Note: After add item is selected, the special order cancel will display in the item list section.
6. Repeat Steps 1-5 to cancel additional special orders or use the Transaction Type dropdown menu to add additional items.
Note: After all special order cancels and/or items have been added, follow the Ticket Payment Tab steps under Process a Transaction.
The RICS POS offers a variety of additional options enabling a retailer to reprint, suspend, reclaim or void a ticket based on the circumstance surrounding a sale.
Follow the steps below to reprint a ticket transacted within 36 hours on the RICS POS.
1. Click Reprint Ticket
Note: After reprint ticket is selected, all available tickets for reprint will display in the Reprint A Completed Ticket window.
2. Select the ticket needing to be reprinted
Note: After the ticket is selected, a copy of the ticket will display on the right side of the Reprint A Completed Ticket window.
3. Click Reprint Receipt
Follow the steps below to reprint a gift receipt for a ticket transacted within 36 hours on the RICS POS.
1. Click Reprint Ticket
Note: After reprint ticket is selected, all available tickets for reprint will display in the Reprint A Completed Ticket window.
2. Select the ticket needing to be printed as a gift receipt
Note: After the ticket is selected, a copy of the ticket will display on the right side of the Reprint A Completed Ticket window.
3. Select the Gift Receipt checkbox
4. Click Reprint Receipt
Note: After Reprint Receipt is selected, a Print Gift Receipt window will display listing all the items on the ticket.
5. Select the checkbox next to each item a gift receipt needs to be printed
Note: To print each item on a different ticket, select Split Items and an individual gift receipt will be printed for each item selected.
6. Click Print
Follow the steps below to decode a gift receipt and identify the purchase price for an item.
1. Click Decode Gift Receipt
2. Enter the code found on the gift receipt
3. Click Convert
Note: After convert is selected, the amount charged for an item will display.
Follow the steps below to suspend a ticket to be reclaimed within 36 hours on the RICS POS.
1. Click Suspend Ticket
2. Click Yes when prompted to suspend a ticket
Follow the steps below to reclaim a ticket suspended within 36 hours on the RICS POS.
1. Click Reclaim Ticket
Note: After reclaim ticket is selected, a list of all suspended tickets within 36 hours will display.
2. Select the ticket to be reclaimed
Note: After the ticket is selected, the ticket details will display prompting the user to select a cashier and finalize payment using the Ticket Payment Tab steps under Process a Transaction.
Follow the steps below to void a ticket in which payment is not received on the RICS POS.
1. Click Void Ticket
2. Click Yes when prompted to void a ticket