The Manage Roles feature enables retailers to create a role to assign a RICS User to via the Setup :: Users :: Manage User screen. Applying a role allows retailers to restrict or enable access to features within an organization and/or store.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
• Create a Role
• Edit a Role
• Delete a Role
Follow the steps below to create a role.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Manage Roles
2. Enter an alphanumeric name in the Role Name field
3. If necessary, select the Flow down Organization checkbox to make the role available at all organizational levels
Note: If the checkbox is not selected, the role will only be available at the level at which it was created.
4. Use the Role Type dropdown menu to determine the role type
Admin – Click for any store owner and upper management roles
Salesperson – Click for any cashier or salespeople roles
Manager – Click for any manager or assistant manager roles
Other – Click for function-specific roles similar to a stock person or accountant
Note: The role type will not automatically select the permissions; this is completed in Step 5.
5. Use the Permissions window to select features a user will have access to or the ability to update
6. Use the Organizations window to select what organization a user will have access to or the ability to update
7. Click Save
Follow the steps below to edit a role.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Manage Roles
2. Use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the existing role to be edited
Note: After the role is selected, the permissions and organizations associated with the role will display.
3. As needed, use the Permissions and Organizations windows to edit features and access
Note: The role will not be updated until Step 4 and any changes will affect all RICS users assigned to the role.
4. Click Save
Follow the steps below to delete a role.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Manage Roles
2. Use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the existing role to be deleted
Note: After the role is selected, the permissions and organizations associated with the role will display.
3. Click Delete
4. Click Yes when prompted to delete the role
Note: All RICS users assigned to the deleted role will lose any access or features included in the deleted role.