How to Manage Customers

The RICS Manage Customer feature enables retailers to create a customer in the RICS Back Office using a unique or RICS generated account number. Creating a customer within RICS enables a retailer to analyze customer purchases processed through the RICS POS, maintain accurate customer profile information, and merge duplicate customer records as needed.

This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
Create a Customer
Edit a Customer
Delete a Customer
Merge a Customer


Follow the steps below to create a customer within RICS Back Office.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Customer :: Customer :: Manage Customer

2. Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric customer account number in the Account Number field

3. Select or enter a Title, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name and/or Gender in the corresponding fields

Note: The Full Name field will autofill with the information entered in Step 3 but can be modified as needed.

4. If necessary and available, select or enter an A/R Post To account number and a Frequent Buyer Program in the corresponding fields


A/R Post To – To enter an A/R Post To account number, the store must have A/R set up within A/R :: A/R Setup and the customer must be established as an A/R Customer within A/R :: Enter A/R Customers.

Frequent Buyer Program – To select a frequent buyer program, the store must have a frequent buyer program created within Setup :: Manage Frequent Buyer and enabled within the store.


5. Select or enter an Address Type, Address, City/State, Postal and/or Country code in the corresponding fields

6. Enter an Email and/or Phone Number in the corresponding fields


Email – Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric email address.

Phone Number – Enter up to a twenty digit phone number.

7. If necessary, select or enter the following optional customer account options in the corresponding fields


Comment – Enter a comment to display when the customer is loaded in the RICS Back Office or at the RICS POS.

Credit Limit – Enter a dollar limit the customer has available for use at the RICS POS.

Charge Balance – Enter the current balance the customer owes the store.

Store Credit Balance – Enter the current balance the store owes the customer.

Frequent Buyer Qty – Enter the purchased quantity accumulated towards a frequent buyer reward plan.

Frequent Buyer Amt – Enter the purchased amount accumulated towards a frequent buyer reward plan.

Tax Exempt – Select to set an account as non-taxed for all transactions processed through the RICS POS.

Tax Exempt ID – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric Tax ID.

Birth Date – Enter a customer’s birth date in MM/DD format.

Alert – Enter an alert message to automatically alert a cashier when the customer is loaded in the RICS Back Office or at the RICS POS.


8. If necessary, enter a Custom Entry, Custom Attribute, Parent and/or Child Relationship in the corresponding fields


Custom Entries – Select or enter any customer custom entries.

Custom Attributes – Enter custom text to display when the customer is loaded in the RICS Back Office or at the RICS POS.

Parent/Child Relationships – Enter a customer account number in the corresponding field to associate the created customer with another customer within RICS.

9. Click Save


Follow the steps below to edit a customer.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Customer :: Customer :: Manage Customer

2. To select a customer, enter or search for the account number in the Account Number lookup field

Note: After the account number is selected, the Customer Details, Custom Entries, Custom Attributes and Relationship fields will populate

3. Edit the necessary fields in the Customer Details, Custom Entries, Custom Attributes and Relationship fields

4. Click Save


Follow the steps below to delete a customer.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Customer :: Customer :: Manage Customer

2. To select a customer, enter or search for the account number in the Account Number lookup field

Note: After the account number is selected, the Customer Details, Custom Entries, Custom Attributes and Relationship fields will populate

3. Click Delete

4. Click Yes when prompted to delete the customer


Note: If a customer has had a Special Order Deposit in their purchase history, regardless if it has been picked up or cancelled, that customer will no loger be eligible for deletion.


Follow the steps below to merge two customer records.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Customer :: Customer :: Merge Customers

2. To select a customer to merge from, enter or search for a customer in the Customer lookup field

Note: After a customer is selected, the customer account details will display in the Merging Customer Details section.


3. To select a customer to merge into, enter or search for a customer in the Customer lookup field

Note: After a customer is selected, the customer account details will display in the Receiving Customer Details section.


Note: If an incorrect customer account is selected for either field, click Clear Merging Customer or Clear Receiving Customer and repeat Steps 3-4.

4. Click Merge

5. Type Merge and click Merge Customer when prompted

Note: To view the merge status, navigate to Reporting :: Report History and select the Merge Customer Report. 


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