How to Manage Coupons

The RICS Manage Coupon feature enables retailers to create a dollar or percent off discount to be used for events, promotions, and sales at the RICS POS. Creating a coupon enables the retailer to analyze the frequency and the impact of an event, a promotion, or a sale has on a store profit.


To efficiently analyze the affect a coupon has on a store’s profit, please reference Manage Coupon Promotion Code(s) to create a trackable promotion code prior to creating a coupon.

This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
Create a Coupon
Edit a Coupon
Delete a Coupon


Follow the steps below to create a coupon.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Coupons

2. Enter up to a sixteen character alphanumeric coupon code in the Coupon Code field

3. Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric coupon description in the Coupon Description field

4. Enter a Start Date and an End Date in the corresponding fields

Note: The Start Date will default to the current date but can be modified if necessary. Leave End Date blank for a permanent coupon.

5. Use the Promotion Code dropdown menu to select a promotion code to attach to the coupon

6. If necessary, select the Taxable checkbox based on coupon requirements

Note: If Taxable is not marked, tax will be collected on the amount paid for the item after the coupon is applied. If Taxable is marked, tax will be collected for the total amount of the item before the coupon is applied.

7. If necessary, enter a Comment or Alert in the corresponding fields to display when the coupon is used at the RICS POS

8. Select if a coupon will be a dollar or percent off discount and enter the discount value for use at the RICS POS


9. Select a coupon UPC option to determine how a coupon will be processed or used at the RICS POS


None – Select to require a cashier to lookup a coupon manually.

Store – Select to generate a RICS UPC to be scanned at the RICS POS.

Vendor – Select if a manufacturer UPC will be scanned at the RICS POS.


Note: Select Store (auto-gen) or Vendor and Save to create a UPC.

10. Select an application option to determine what items a coupon can be applied to at the RICS POS


All Items – Select to apply the coupon to all items on a ticket at the RICS POS.

Selected Items – Select to require the cashier to select which items a coupon will apply to on a ticket at the RICS POS.

Single Items – Select to require the cashier to select which item a coupon will apply to on a ticket at the RICS POS.


11. Use the Order Items By dropdown menu to determine how items are ordered when a coupon is used at the RICS POS


12. Click Save


Follow the steps below to edit a coupon.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Coupons

2. To select a coupon, enter or search for a coupon in the Coupon lookup field

Note: After the coupon is selected, the coupon details will populate.

3. Edit the necessary fields in the Coupon Details, Coupon Value, UPC, Coupon Applied To and Order Items By sections

4. Click Save


Follow the steps below to delete a coupon.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Coupons

2. To select a coupon, enter or search for a coupon in the Coupon lookup field

Note: After the coupon is selected, the coupon details will populate.

3. Click Delete

4. Click Yes when prompted to delete the coupon





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