The RICS Manage Promotion Code feature enables retailers to track and analyze promotion and coupon ROI.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
• Create a Coupon Promotion Code
• Edit a Coupon Promotion Code
• Delete a Coupon Promotion Code
Follow the steps below to create a coupon promotion code.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Codes :: Manage Promotion Codes
2. Enter up to an eight character alphanumeric promotion code in the Promotion Code field
3. Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric promotion description in the Promotion Description field
4. Enter the number of promotional items in the Pieces field
5. Enter the promotional cost in the Cost field
6. If necessary, enter a Start Date and an End Date in the corresponding fields
Note: Leave the Start Date and End Date fields blank for a permanent promotion.
7. Click Save
Note: To attach a promotion code to a coupon, please reference Manage Coupons Create a Coupon section.
Follow the steps below to edit a coupon promotion code.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Codes :: Manage Promotion Codes
2. To select a promotion code, enter or search for the promotion code in the View LookUp Tool
Note: After the promotion code is selected, the promotion criteria will populate.
3. Edit the Promotion Code, Promotion Description, Pieces, Cost, Start Date and/or End Date fields
4. Click Save
Follow the steps below to delete a coupon promotion code.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Codes :: Manage Promotion Codes
2. To select a promotion code, enter or search for the promotion code in the View LookUp Tool
Note: After the promotion code is selected, the promotion criteria will populate.
3. Click Delete
4. Click Yes when prompted to delete the promotion code
Note: If the delete button is greyed out, the promotion code cannot be deleted. Please review the restrictions below:
Delete restrictions:
This promotion code was created at a different level than where the user is navigated.
The promotion code is associated with an active coupon.