The RICS Point of Sale feature enables retailers to track and analyze transactions processed through the RICS POS in order to view daily sales by transaction and/or tender to verify bank deposits for a selected period of time. To assist retailers with tracking and analyzing these transactions, RICS has several reports.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to analyze store sales using:
• Generate a Sales Journal Report
• Generate a Store Analysis Report
• Generate a POS Summary Report
The RICS Sales Journal report enables retailers to view daily sales transaction details for a selected time period.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: POS :: Sales Journal
2. Use the Sales Period dropdown menu to determine what sales period to analyze
3. Select the Page Break After Batch checkbox to separate each batch for a store by a page break
4. Select the necessary Additional Sales Journal Options to determine what additional information to display on the report
Additional Sales Journal Options:
Include Class Summary – Select to display a summary of class sales for each batch.
Include Discount Summary – Select to display a summary of discounts for each batch.
Include Coupon Summary – Select to display a summary of coupons for each batch.
Include Return Code Summary – Select to display a summary of return codes and dollars for each batch.
Include Payout Details – Select to display a summary of payouts for each batch.
Include Sales Tax Summary – Select to display a summary of taxes and taxable sales for each batch.
5. Select the Include Tax Rate checkbox to include a tax rate for each tax instance
6. Select the Report Tickets/Payouts on Batch Date checkbox to display sales based on the batch date
Example: A batch is opened on 7/22/2016 and closed on 7/24/2016. A Sales Period of 7/22/2016 was selected in Step 2. To report on sales for 7/23-24 of the batch, select the checkbox.
7. If necessary, use the Do You Want to Limit the Tickets To section to determine what sales to display on the report
Tickets with Unmatched Prices – Select to display transactions in which the sale price for an item differs from the active selling price.
Tickets with Returns – Select to display transactions of a return transaction type.
Refunded Tickets – Select to display transactions in which a refund is paid to a customer.
Voided Tickets – Select to display transactions in which a void was processed through the RICS POS or the RICS Back Office.
Tickets with Shipping – Select to display transactions in which a shipping fee was entered through the RICS POS Ticket Payment screen.
Tickets with more than # Purchased – Select to display transactions in which a specific number of items have been purchased. The number of items will be specified in the Items Purchased Cutoff field.
8. Select the appropriate What Sale Types Would You Like to Include options to determine what sale types to display on the report
Note: All transactions processed through the RICS POS will be a Store Sale type unless specified at the RICS POS Ticket Header screen under the Sale Type option.
9. If necessary, enter a Tender Type(s) to determine what tenders to display on the report as set up in Setup :: Manage Store :: Tenders Setup
10. If necessary, enter a Transaction Type(s) to determine what transactions to display on the report
Note: If more than one store exists within the organizational structure, proceed to the Report Criteria tab to select which store(s) to display on the report. If only one store exists, proceed to Step 11.
11. Click Add Job and Run
1. After selecting the report options, click the Report Criteria tab
Note: The Report Criteria tab will be blank unless the user is analyzing data from a Store Owner level within a multi-store organization.
2. Click Add Job and Run
The RICS Store Analysis report enables retailers to view totals by tender and transaction type for a selected time period.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: File Printouts :: Store Analysis
2. Use the Sales Period dropdown menu to determine what sales period to analyze
Note: If more than one store exists within the organizational structure, proceed to the Report Criteria tab to select which store(s) to display on the report. If only one store exists, proceed to Step 3.
3. Click Add Job and Run
1. After selecting the report criteria, click the Report Criteria tab
Note: The Report Criteria tab will be blank unless the user is analyzing data from a Store Owner level within a multi-store organization.
2. Click Add Job and Run
The RICS POS Summary report enables retailers to view a summary of sales, transactions, tenders and POS balance information by station for a selected time period.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: POS :: POS Summary
2. Use the Sales Period dropdown menu to determine what sales period to analyze
Note: If more than one store exists within the organizational structure, proceed to the Report Criteria tab to select which store(s) to display on the report. If only one store exists, proceed to Step 3.
3. Click Add Job and Run
1. After selecting the report criteria, click the Report Criteria tab
Note: The Report Criteria tab will be blank unless the user is analyzing data from a Store Owner level within a multi-store organization.
2. Click Add Job and Run