How to Generate Customer Reports

The RICS customer features enable retailers to track and analyze customer purchases as transactions occur through the RICS POS. Analyzed information can be used to develop targeted marketing campaigns to attract customers to increase sales and profit. To assist with tracking and analyzing these transactions, RICS provides several key reports.

This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to analyze customer purchases using:
Generate a Customer List
Generate a Customer Analysis Report
Export a Customer Email Report
Export a Customer Purchase Totals Report


The Customer List report enables retailers to analyze customer transactions as they occur through the RICS POS to identify which customers are purchasing a specific supplier, class and/or SKU during a selected time period.


1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Customer :: Customer List

2. Use the Report Type section to determine the level of detail to display

Report Type Options:

List Report – Select to display one row per customer with no purchase details.

Detail Report – Select to display multiple rows per customer with purchase details.


3. Use the In Order dropdown menu to determine the order in which to display the analyzed customers

In Order of Options:

Account Number – Select to display customers in ascending order based on account number.

Customer Name – Select to display customers in alphabetical order by name.

Zip Code – Select to display customers in ascending order based on zip code and then account number.

Year-to-Date Purchases – Select to display customers in descending order based on year-to-date purchases.

Total-to-Date Purchases – Select to display customers in descending order based on total-to-date purchases.

Last Year Purchases – Select to display customers in descending order based on last year purchases.


Note: To limit the number of customers displayed, enter a desired number in the Only Include First _ Customers field.


1. After selecting the report options, click the Report Criteria tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options tab only, leave the Report Criteria fields blank and proceed to Step 3. To report on additional criteria, proceed to the Additional Customer Criteria Tab section. To report on customer purchases, proceed to the Customer Filter by Purchase Tab.

2. Enter the necessary criteria to determine what customers to display on the report. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.



Customers – Enter or search for a customer account number(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Customer City – Enter a customer city or cities to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Customer State – Enter a customer state(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Customer Zip – Enter a customer zip code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

Customer Custom Entries/Attributes – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which customer(s) to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Customers, Customer Cities, Customer States or Customer Zip codes, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc. To select a consecutive group of zip codes, enter two dashes (--) in between the first and last zip code. Example: To analyze all customers with a zip code between 46201 and 46212, enter 46201—46212.

3. Click Add Job and Run



1. After selecting the report criteria, click the Additional Customer Criteria tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options and Report Criteria tabs only, leave the Additional Customer Criteria fields blank and proceed to Step 8. To report on customer purchases, proceed to the Customer Filter by Purchase Tab.

2. Use the Customer Added dropdown menu to display customers added to the RICS Back Office and RICS POS during a selected period of time


3. Use the Last Purchase dropdown menu to display customers with a last purchase during a selected period of time


4. Use the Limit to Customers with Purchase Range Of section to display customers with purchases that occurred within the entered value range


Year-to-Date Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with year-to-date purchases totaling between the entered range.

Total-to-Date Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with total-to-date purchases totaling between the entered range.

Last Year Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with last year purchases totaling between the entered range.


5. Use the Only Include Accounts with Email dropdown menu to only display customers with an email address


Note: Select the Only Include Accounts with an Alert checkbox to only display customers with an alert attached to the customer profile.

6. Use the Limit to Customers with Frequent Buyer Options section to display customers by frequent buyer plan


Plan – Enter a frequent buyer plan to display customers enrolled within the entered plan.

Quantity – Enter a quantity range to display customers with a purchased quantity within the entered range.

Dollars – Enter a purchase range to display customers with purchases totaling within the entered range.


7. Use the Limit to Customers with Birthday/Birthdate section to display customers by birth year, month or day


Birth Year – Enter a birth year to display customers with a birthdate entered on a customer profile.

Birth Month – Enter a birth month to display customers with a birthdate entered on a customer profile.

Birth Day – Enter a birth day to display customers with a birthdate entered on a customer profile.

Birthday Period – Select a birth period to display customers with a birthdate entered on a customer profile.


8. Click Add Job and Run


1. After selecting the additional customer criteria, click the Customer Filter By Purchase tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options, Report Criteria and Additional Customer Criteria tab only, leave the Customer Filter By Purchase fields blank and proceed to Step 6.

2. Select or enter the necessary criteria to determine what customers to display on the report based on previous purchases. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.


By Store – Enter or search for a store(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Store State – Enter a store(s) state to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Class – From the dropdown menu, select the class or classes to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Color – Enter a color(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By SKU – Enter or search for a SKU(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Column – From the dropdown menu, select a grid value(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Row – From the dropdown menu, select a grid value(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Return Code – Enter or search for a return code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Promotion Code – Enter or search for a promotion code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Sales People – Enter or search for a salesperson(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which customer(s) to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Stores, Suppliers, Colors, SKUs, Return Codes, Promotion Codes or Sales People, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.


3. Use the Any Purchase dropdown menu to display customers with a purchase during a selected period of time


4. Use the Minimum Ticket Quantity and Maximum Ticket Quantity fields to display customers with a ticket total between the entered minimum and maximum quantities


5. Use the Selected Detail Sales field to display customers with purchases totaling between the entered range


6. Click Add Job and Run


The Customer Analysis report enables retailers to analyze customer activity as it relates to demographics, since added date, last purchase date, etc.


1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Customer :: Customer Analysis

2. Use the Group By dropdown menu to determine how to group the analyzed customer activity

Group By Options:

Zip Code – Select to group activity based on customer zip code.

State – Select to group activity based on customer state.

Year Added – Select to group activity based on what year a customer was added to the RICS Back Office or the RICS POS.

Month Year Added – Select to group activity based on what year and month a customer was added to the RICS Back Office or the RICS POS.

Year of Last Sale – Select to group activity based on what year a customer’s last sale occurred.

Month of Year of Last Sale – Select to group activity based on what year and month a customer’s last sale occurred.


3. Use the Report Period dropdown menu to determine during what sales period to analyze customer activity


4. Use the Number of Digits field to analyze customers based on a full or partial zip code




1. After selecting the report options, click the Report Criteria tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options tab only, leave the Report Criteria fields blank and proceed to Step 3. To report on additional criteria, proceed to the Additional Customer Criteria Tab section. To report on customer purchases, proceed to the Customer Filter by Purchase Tab.

2. Enter the necessary criteria to determine what customers to display on the report. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.


Customers – Enter or search for a customer account number(s) to determine which customer(s) activity to output.

By Customer City – Enter a customer city or cities to determine what customer city activity to output.

By Customer State – Enter a customer state(s) to determine what customer state activity to output.

By Customer Zip – Enter a customer zip code(s) to determine what customer zip code to output.

Customer Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine what customer custom entry activity to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Customers, Customer Cities, Customer States or Customer Zip codes, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc. To select a consecutive group of zip codes, enter two dashes (--) in between the first and last zip code. Example: To analyze all customers with a zip code between 46201 and 46212, enter 46201—46212.

3. Click Add Job and Run


1. After selecting the report criteria, click the Additional Customer Criteria tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options and Report Criteria tabs only, leave the Additional Customer Criteria fields blank and proceed to Step 7. To report on customer purchases, proceed to the Customer Filter by Purchase Tab.

2. Use the Customer Added dropdown menu to display customer activity based on when a customer was added to the RICS Back Office and RICS POS during a selected period of time


3. Use the Last Purchase dropdown menu to display customer activity based on when a customer’s last purchase occurred during a selected period of time


4. Use the Limit to Customers with Purchase Range Of section to display customer activity based on a customer’s total purchases within the entered value range



Year-to-Date Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with year-to-date purchases totaling between the entered range.

Total-to-Date Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with total-to-date purchases totaling between the entered range.

Last Year Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with last year purchases totaling between the entered range.


5. Use the Only Include Accounts with Email dropdown menu to only display customer activity for customers with an email address


Note: Select the Only Include Accounts With an Alert checkbox to only display customer activity for customers with an alert attached to the customer profile.

6. Use the Limit to Customers with Frequent Buyer Options section to display customer activity by frequent buyer plan


Plan – Enter a frequent buyer plan to display customers enrolled within the entered plan.

Quantity – Enter a quantity range to display customers with a purchased quantity within the entered range.

Dollars – Enter a purchase range to display customers with purchases totaling within the entered range.

7. Click Add Job and Run



1. After selecting the additional customer criteria, click the Customer Filter By Purchase tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options, Report Criteria and Additional Customer Criteria tabs only, leave the Customer Filter By Purchase fields blank and proceed to Step 6.

2. Select or enter the necessary criteria to determine what customer activity to display on the report based on previous purchases. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.


By Store – Enter or search for a store(s) to determine what customer activity to output.

By Store State – Enter a store(s) state to determine what customer activity to output.

By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) to determine what customer activity to output.

By Class – From the dropdown menu, select the class or classes to determine what customer activity to output.

By Color – Enter a color(s) to determine what customer activity to output.

By SKU – Enter or search for a SKU(s) to determine what customer activity to output.

By Column – From the dropdown menu, select a grid value(s) to determine what customer activity to output.

By Row – From the dropdown menu, select a grid value(s) to determine what customer activity to output.

By Return Code – Enter or search for a return code(s) to determine what customer activity to output.

By Sales People – Enter or search for a salesperson(s) to determine what customer activity to output.

Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine what customer activity to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Stores, Suppliers, Colors, SKUs, Return Codes, or Sales People, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.

3. Use the Any Purchase dropdown menu to display customer activity with a purchase during a selected period of time


4. Use the Minimum Ticket Quantity and Maximum Ticket Quantity fields to display customer activity with a ticket total between the entered minimum and maximum quantities


5. Use the Selected Detail Sales field to display customer activity with purchases totaling between the entered range


6. Click Add Job and Run


The Export Customer Email report enables retailers to export customer accounts with an email address in an Excel spreadsheet for email marketing campaigns to identify which customer is purchasing a specific supplier, class and/or SKU during a selected time period.


1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Data Export :: Export Customer Email

2. Use the In Order Of dropdown menu to determine the order in which to display the analyzed customers

In Order of Options:

Account Number – Select to display customers in ascending order based on account number.

Customer Name – Select to display customers in alphabetical order by name.

Zip Code – Select to display customers in ascending order based on zip code and then account number.

Year-to-Date Purchases – Select to display customers in descending order based on year-to-date purchases.

Total-to-Date Purchases – Select to display customers in descending order based on total-to-date purchases.

Last Year Purchases – Select to display customers in descending order based on last year purchases.


Note: To limit the number of customers displayed, enter a desired number in the Only Include First _ Customers field.


1. After selecting the report options, click the Report Criteria tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options tab only, leave the Report Criteria fields blank and proceed to Step 3. To report on additional criteria, proceed to the Additional Customer Criteria Tab. To report on customer purchases, proceed to the Customer Filter by Purchase Tab.

2. Enter the necessary criteria to determine what customers to display on the report. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.


Customers – Enter or search for a customer account number(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Customer City – Enter a customer city or cities to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Customer State – Enter a customer state(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Customer Zip – Enter a customer zip code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

Customer Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which customer(s) to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Customers, Customer Cities, Customer States or Customer Zip codes, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc. To select a consecutive group of zip codes, enter two dashes (--) in between the first and last zip code. Example: To analyze all customers with a zip code between 46201 and 46212, enter 46201—46212.

3. Click Add Job and Run


1. After selecting the report criteria, click the Additional Customer Criteria tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options and Report Criteria tabs only, leave the Additional Customer Criteria fields blank and proceed to Step 8. To report on customer purchases, proceed to the Customer Filter by Purchase Tab.

2. Use the Customer Added dropdown menu to display customers added to the RICS Back Office and RICS POS during a selected period of time


3. Use the Last Purchase dropdown menu to display customers with a last purchase during a selected period of time


4. Use the Limit to Customers with Purchase Range Of section to display customers with purchases that occurred within the entered value range


Year-to-Date Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with year-to-date purchases totaling between the entered range.

Total-to-Date Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with total-to-date purchases totaling between the entered range.

Last Year Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with last year purchases totaling between the entered range.


5. Use the Only Include Accounts with Email dropdown menu to only display customers with an email address


Note: Select the Only Include Accounts With an Alert checkbox to only display customers with an alert attached to the customer profile.

6. Use the Limit to Customers with Frequent Buyer Options section to display customers by frequent buyer plan


Plan – Enter a frequent buyer plan to display customers enrolled within the entered plan.

Quantity – Enter a quantity range to display customers with a purchased quantity within the entered range.

Dollars – Enter a purchase range to display customers with purchases totaling within the entered range.

7. Use the Limit to Customers with Birthday/Birthdate section to display customers by birth year, month or day


Birth Year – Enter a birth year to display customers with a birthdate entered on a customer profile.

Birth Month – Enter a birth month to display customers with a birthdate entered on a customer profile.

Birth Day – Enter a birth day to display customers with a birthdate entered on a customer profile.

Birthday Period – Select a birth period to display customers with a birthdate entered on a customer profile.


8. Click Add Job and Run




1. After selecting the additional customer criteria, click the Customer Filter By Purchase tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options, Report Criteria and Additional Customer Criteria tabs only, leave the Customer Filter By Purchase fields blank and proceed to Step 6.

2. Select or enter the necessary criteria to determine what customers to display on the report based on previous purchases. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.


By Store – Enter or search for a store(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Store State – Enter a store(s) state to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Class – From the dropdown menu, select the class or classes to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Color – Enter a color(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By SKU – Enter or search for a SKU(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Column – From the dropdown menu, select a grid value(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Row – From the dropdown menu, select a grid value(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Return Code – Enter or search for a return code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Promotion Code – Enter or search for a promotion code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Sales People – Enter or search for a salesperson(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which customer(s) to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Stores, Suppliers, Colors, SKUs, Return Codes, Promotion Codes or Sales People, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.

3. Use the Any Purchase dropdown menu to display customers with a purchase during a selected period of time


4. Use the Minimum Ticket Quantity and Maximum Ticket Quantity fields to display customers with a ticket total between the entered minimum and maximum quantities


5. Use the Selected Detail Sales field to display customers with purchases totaling between the entered range


6. Click Add Job and Run


The Export Customer Purchase Totals report enables retailers to export customer purchases in an Excel spreadsheet to identify which customer is purchasing a specific supplier, class and/or SKU during a selected time period.


1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Data Export :: Export Customer Email

2. Use the In Order dropdown menu to determine the order in which to display the analyzed customers

In Order of Options:

Account Number – Select to display customers in ascending order based on account number.

Customer Name – Select to display customers in alphabetical order by name.

Zip Code – Select to display customers in ascending order based on zip code and then account number.

Year-to-Date Purchases – Select to display customers in descending order based on year-to-date purchases.

Total-to-Date Purchases – Select to display customers in descending order based on total-to-date purchases.

Last Year Purchases – Select to display customers in descending order based on last year purchases.


Note: To limit the number of customers displayed, enter a desired number in the Only Include First _ Customers field.


1. After selecting the report options, click the Report Criteria tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options tab only, leave the Report Criteria fields blank and proceed to Step 3. To report on additional criteria, proceed to the Additional Customer Criteria Tab. To report on customer purchases, proceed to the Customer Filter by Purchase Tab.

2. Enter the necessary criteria to determine what customers to display on the report. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.


Customers – Enter or search for a customer account number(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Customer City – Enter a customer city or cities to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Customer State – Enter a customer state(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Customer Zip – Enter a customer zip code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

Customer Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which customer(s) to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Customers, Customer Cities, Customer States or Customer Zip codes, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc. To select a consecutive group of zip codes, enter two dashes (--) in between the first and last zip code. Example: To analyze all customers with a zip code between 46201 and 46212, enter 46201—46212.

3. Click Add Job and Run


1. After selecting the report criteria, click the Additional Customer Criteria tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options and Report Criteria tabs only, leave the Additional Customer Criteria fields blank and proceed to Step 7. To report on customer purchases, proceed to the Customer Filter by Purchase Tab.

2. Use the Customer Added dropdown menu to display customers added to the RICS Back Office and RICS POS during a selected period of time


3. Use the Last Purchase dropdown menu to display customers with a last purchase during a selected period of time


4. Use the Limit to Customers with Purchase Range Of section to display customers with purchases that occurred within the entered value range


Year-to-Date Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with year-to-date purchases totaling between the entered range.

Total-to-Date Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with total-to-date purchases totaling between the entered range.

Last Year Sales – Enter a purchase range to display customers with last year purchases totaling between the entered range.


5. Use the Only Include Accounts with Email dropdown menu to only display customers with an email address


Note: Select the Only Include Accounts With an Alert checkbox to only display customers with an Alert attached to the customer profile.

6. Use the Limit to Customers with Frequent Buyer Options section to display customers by frequent buyer plan


Plan – Enter a frequent buyer plan to display customers enrolled within an entered plan.

Quantity – Enter a quantity range to display customers with a purchased quantity within the entered range.

Dollars – Enter a purchase range to display customers with purchases totaling within the entered range.

7. Click Add Job and Run


1. After selecting the additional customer criteria, click the Customer Filter By Purchase tab

Note: To report on all customers within a store based on selections on the Report Options, Report Criteria and Additional Customer Criteria tabs only, leave the Customer Filter By Purchase fields blank and proceed to Step 6.

2. Select or enter the necessary criteria to determine what customers to display on the report based on previous purchases. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.


By Store – Enter or search for a store(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Store State – Enter a store(s) state to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Class – From the dropdown menu, select the class or classes to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Color – Enter a color(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By SKU – Enter or search for a SKU(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Column – From the dropdown menu, select a grid value(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Row – From the dropdown menu, select a grid value(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Return Code – Enter or search for a return code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Promotion Code – Enter or search for a promotion code(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

By Sales People – Enter or search for a salesperson(s) to determine which customer(s) to output.

Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which customer(s) to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Stores, Suppliers, Colors, SKUs, Return Codes, Promotion Codes or Sales People, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.

3. Use the Any Purchase dropdown menu to display customers with a purchase during a selected period of time


4. Use the Minimum Ticket Quantity and Maximum Ticket Quantity fields to display customers with a ticket total between the entered minimum and maximum quantities


5. Use the Selected Detail Sales field to display customers with purchases totaling between the entered range


6. Click Add Job and Run

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