How to Manage Automated Purchase Orders

The Manage Automated Purchase Order feature enables retailers to generate a Purchase Order based on pre-defined product models, sell-through percentage, and quantity sold over a period of time. Generating an Automated Purchase Order enables retailers to keep the desired on-hand quantity in a store.

This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
Generate an Automated Purchase Order – Model Stock
Generate an Automated Purchase Order – Sell-Thru %
Generate an Automated Purchase Order – Qty Sold


Follow the steps below to generate an Automated Purchase Order based on pre-defined product models.


1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory :: Purchasing :: Generate Automatic Purchase Orders

2. Select the Based on Model Stocks option in the Order Type section

3. If necessary, select the Generate Order Worksheet checkbox and select the appropriate Sort Order option from the dropdown menu of the Purchase Order Worksheet section

Note: The Generate Order Worksheet option provides multi-store organizations the ability to compare re-order, model, on hand, sold and order quantities in Excel. If order quantities need to be adjusted, a user can accomplish this via the worksheet and can import the updated quantities into RICS via Inventory :: Purchasing :: Import Purchase Order.


4. Enter the Bill To Store and Consolidated/Ship To Store in the corresponding fields

Note: Enter a consolidated ship to store if a Purchase Order is being generated for more than one store, but sent to a single store. The store selections will be made on the Criteria tab.

5. Enter the Ship Date, Cancel Date and/or Payment Date in the corresponding fields


6. If necessary, enter a comment or alert to display when a Purchase Order is loaded, ordered or received

7. Select the Split Shipment or Back Order checkboxes


Split Shipment – Select to notify a supplier that items can be shipped in multiple shipments.

Backorder – Select to notify a supplier that items can be placed on backorder.


8. If necessary, enter a sales period during which to analyze the quantity sold


9. Select the appropriate inclusion option to determine how on-order quantities will affect an Automated Purchase Order


Reduce order quantity by all current open order quantities – An Automated Purchase Order will be reduced by on-order quantities currently on an open Purchase Order.

Reduce order quantity by all open order quantities due to be shipped within __ days – An Automated Purchase Order will be reduced by on-order quantities currently on an open Purchase Order set to ship within an entered number of days.


1. Click the Criteria tab

2. Select or enter the necessary criteria to determine what items to include on an Automated Purchase Order


By Store – Enter or search for a store(s) in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

By Class – From the dropdown menu, select a class or classes in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

By SKU – Enter or search for an item(s) for which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

Product Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.


Note: If selecting multiple Stores, Suppliers, SKUs or Product Custom Entries, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.

3. If necessary, enter the SKU price and/or select the SKU receipt filtering options


Include Only SKUs At Retail Price (as of today) – Select to exclude items on an Automated Purchase Order with a markdown price entered on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.

Date Last Received from – Enter a date range during which to include items on an Automated Purchase Order with a last received date falling within the date range entered.

Date First Received from – Enter a date range during which to include items on an Automated Purchase Order with a first received date falling within the date range entered.


4. Click Preview to generate a PDF preview of what will be added to the Automated Purchase Order

Note: If the preview is accurate, close the preview to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

5. Click Create PO and Print


Follow the steps below to generate an Automated Purchase Order based on sell-thru percentage.


1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory :: Purchasing :: Generate Automatic Purchase Orders

2. Select the Based on Sales option, then Sell-Thru % in the Order Type section


3. Enter the Bill to Store and the Consolidated/Ship to Store in the corresponding fields

Note: Enter a consolidated ship to store if a Purchase Order is being generating for more than one store, but sent to a single store. The store selections will be made on the Criteria tab.

4. Enter the Ship Date, Cancel Date and/or Payment Date in the corresponding fields


5. If necessary, enter a comment or alert to display when a Purchase Order is loaded, ordered or received

6. Select the Split Shipment or Back Order checkboxes


Split Shipment – Select to notify a supplier that items can be shipped in multiple shipments.

Backorder – Select to notify a supplier that items can be placed on backorder.


7. If necessary, enter a sales period during which to analyze the quantity sold

8. Select the appropriate inclusion option to determine how on-order quantities will affect an Automated Purchase Order


Reduce order quantity by all current open order quantities – An Automated Purchase Order will be reduced by on-order quantities currently on an open Purchase Order.

Reduce order quantity by all open order quantities due to be shipped within __ days – An Automated Purchase Order will be reduced by on-order quantities currently on an open Purchase Order set to ship within an entered number of days.

Reduce order quantity by the amount currently On Hand – An Automated Purchase Order will be reduced based on the on hand quantity as compared to the sales quantity instead of the original item quantity received. Example: If a store received a quantity of 10, sold a quantity of 6, and has an on hand quantity of 4, an Automated Purchase Order will order a quantity of 2. If the checkbox is left unselected, the Automated Purchase Order will order a quantity of 6.


9. Enter the beginning sell-thru percentages, ending sell-thru percentages and the sales multipliers in the corresponding fields


Beginning Sell-Thru % – The starting sell-thru percentage an item needs to be above in order to be added to an Automated Purchase Order.

Ending Sell-Thru % – The ending sell-thru percentage an item needs to be below in order to be added to an Automated Purchase Order.

Sales Multiplier – The quantity sold within the sales period analyzed, multiplied by the number entered.

Example: Product A has a sell-thru percentage between 50-60% within the sales period analyzed and a sales multiplier of 1 has been entered. Product B has a sell-thru percentage between 90-100% within the sales period analyzed and a sales multiplier of 2 has been entered. The Automated Purchase Order will order the exact quantity sold for Product A and multiply the quantity sold by 2 for Product B.



1. Click the Criteria tab

2. Select or enter the necessary criteria to determine what items to include on an Automated Purchase Order


By Store – Enter or search for a store(s) in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

By Class – From the dropdown menu, select a class or classes in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

By SKU – Enter or search for an item(s) for which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

Product Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.


Note: If selecting multiple Stores, Suppliers, SKUs or Product Custom Entries, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.

3. If necessary, enter the SKU price and/or select the SKU receipt filtering options


Include Only SKUs At Retail Price (as of today) – Select to exclude items on an Automated Purchase Order with a markdown price entered on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.

Date Last Received from – Enter a date range during which to include items on an Automated Purchase Order with a last received date falling within the date range entered.

Date First Received from – Enter a date range during which to include items on an Automated Purchase Order with a first received date falling within the date range entered.


4. Click Preview to generate a PDF preview of what will be added to the Automated Purchase Order

Note: If the preview is accurate, close the preview to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

5. Click Create PO and Print


Follow the steps below to generate an Automated Purchase Order based on quantity sold.


1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory :: Purchasing :: Generate Automatic Purchase Orders

2. Click the Based on Sales option, then Qty Sold in the Order Type section


3. Enter the Bill to Store and the Consolidated/Ship to Store in the corresponding fields

Note: Enter a consolidated ship to store if a Purchase Order is being generating for more than one store, but sent to a single store. The store selections will be made on the criteria tab.

4. Enter the Ship Date, Cancel Date and/or Payment Date in the corresponding fields


5. If necessary, enter a comment or alert to display when a Purchase Order is loaded, ordered or received

6. Select the Split Shipment or Backorder checkboxes


Split Shipment – Select to notify a supplier that items can be shipped in multiple shipments.

Backorder – Select to notify a supplier that items can be placed on backorder.


7. Enter a sales period during which to analyze the quantity sold

8. Select the appropriate inclusion option to determine how on-order quantities will affect an Automated Purchase Order


Reduce order quantity by all current open order quantities – An Automated Purchase Order will be reduced by on-order quantities currently on an open Purchase Order.

Reduce order quantity by all open order quantities due to be shipped within __ days – An Automated Purchase Order will be reduced by on-order quantities currently on an open Purchase Order set to ship within an entered number of days.

Reduce order quantity by the amount currently On Hand – An Automated Purchase Order will be reduced based on the on hand quantity as compared to the sales quantity instead of the original item quantity received. Example: If a store received a quantity of 10, sold a quantity of 6, and has an on hand quantity of 4, an Automated Purchase Order will order a quantity of 2. If the checkbox is left unselected, the Automated Purchase Order will order a quantity of 6.



1. Click the Criteria tab

2. Select or enter the necessary criteria to determine what items to include on an Automated Purchase Order


By Store – Enter or search for a store(s) in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

By Class – From the dropdown menu, select a class or classes in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

By SKU – Enter or search for an item(s) for which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

Product Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries in which to generate an Automated Purchase Order.


Note: If selecting multiple Stores, Suppliers, SKUs or Product Custom Entries, separate the values by commas. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.

3. If necessary, enter the SKU price and/or click the SKU receipt filtering options


Include Only SKUs At Retail Price (as of today) – Select to exclude items on an Automated Purchase Order with a markdown price entered on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.

Date Last Received from – Enter a date range during which to include items on an Automated Purchase Order with a last received date falling within the date range entered.

Date First Received from – Enter a date range during which to include items on an Automated Purchase Order with a first received date falling within the date range entered.


4. Click Preview to generate a PDF preview of what will be added to the Automated Purchase Order

Note: If the preview is accurate close the preview to generate an Automated Purchase Order.

5. Click Create PO and Print

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