How to Manage Promotion Codes

The Manage Promotion Codes feature enables retailers to create a promotion code to attach to a coupon or transaction at the RICS POS. Applying a promotion code to a transaction or coupon will allows retailers to identify the frequency and the profit received from the promotion to determine what benefit it provides the store.

This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
Create a Promotion Code
Edit a Promotion Code
Delete a Promotion Code


Follow the steps below to create a promotion code.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Codes :: Manage Promotion Codes

2. Enter up to an eight character alphanumeric promotion code in the Promotion Code field

Note: A promotion code will populate via a dropdown menu on the Setup :: Manage Coupons screen or at the RICS POS.

3. Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric promotion description in the Promotion Description field

Note: A promotion description will populate via a dropdown menu at the RICS POS.

4. If necessary, enter the number of Pieces, promotion Cost, Start Date and End Date options


Pieces – The number of advertisement pieces or coupons associated with the promotion code.

Cost – The cost of the advertisement or coupon cost associated with the promotion code.

Start Date and End Date – Dates in which the promotion code will be available on the Setup :: Manage Coupons screen or at the RICS POS.


Note: Fields with a solid purple line at the beginning of the field are required and must be filled in prior to Step 5. All other fields are optional.

5. Click Save


Follow the steps below to edit a promotion code.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Codes :: Manage Promotion Codes

2. To select an existing promotion code, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the promotion code

Note: After a promotion code is selected, all current promotion code details will be displayed.

3. As needed, edit the Promotion Code, Promotion Description, Pieces, Cost, Start Date and End Date fields

Note: A promotion code update will not be saved until Step 4.

4. Click Save


Follow the steps below to delete a promotion code.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Codes :: Manage Promotion Codes

2. To select an existing promotion code, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the promotion code

Note: After a promotion code is selected, all current promotion code details will be displayed.

3. Click Delete

Note: The Delete button will be greyed out if the promotion code cannot be deleted.

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