The Manage Grid feature enables retailers to create a grid to attached to a product in order to identify a products size (column) or a combination of size (column) and width/length (row). Identifying the values allows retailers to analyze sales and inventory transactions as they occur through the RICS Back Office and the RICS POS by size or size and width/length.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
• Create a Grid
• Edit a Grid
• Delete a Grid
Follow the steps below to create a grid to attach to product data.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Grids
2. Enter the grid name in the Grid Description field
Note: Grid names must be unique within the organizational structure.
3. Use the Grid Axis Type dropdown menu to select whether the grid will be a Column, Row, or Column or Row
Grid Axis Type Options:
Column – Click to create a horizontal grid with values similar to S, M, L; 10, 11, 12.
Row – Click to create a vertical grid with values similar to N, M, W; Short, Regular, Long.
Column or Row – Click to create a size grid for horizontal or vertical use with values similar to Men, Women, Children.
4. Click Create
5. Enter the grid value to be added in the Add a Grid Value field
6. Click Add
7. Repeat Steps 5 & 6 to add additional values
Note: The grid and grid values will not be saved until Step 8.
8. Click Save
Follow the steps below to rename a grid, or add, rename or reorder a grid value within an organization.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Grids
2. To select an existing grid, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the grid name
Note: After the grid is selected, the grid name will display next to the Edit field and all values associated with the grid will display.
3. Enter the updated name in the Edit field
4. Click Rename
Note: The updated name will replace the original grid name in the grid window but will not save until Step 5.
5. Click Save
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Grids
2. To select an existing grid, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the grid name
Note: After the grid is selected, the grid name will display next to the Edit field and all values associated with the grid will display.
3. Locate and select the grid value in the grid window to be renamed
Note: After the grid value is selected, the grid value will display next to the Edit field.
4. Enter the updated name in the Edit field
5. Click Rename
Note: The updated grid value will replace the original grid value in the grid window but will not save the new value until Step 6
6. Click Save
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Grids
2. To select an existing grid, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the grid name
Note: After the grid is selected, the grid and grid values will display.
3. Locate and select the grid value to be reordered
Note: After clicking the grid value, the value will be highlighted.
4. Click the up or down arrows to reorder the grid values
Note: The reordered grid value will not be saved until Step 5.
5. Click Save
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Grids
2. To select an existing grid, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the grid name
Note: After the grid is selected, the grid name will display next to “Value will be added below”.
3. Enter the grid value to be added to the grid in the Add a Grid Value field
4. Click Add
Note: A grid value will be added to the grid but will not save until Step 5.
5. Click Save
Follow the steps below to delete a grid and/or a grid value within an organization.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Grids
2. To select an existing grid, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the grid name
Note: After the grid is selected, the grid and grid values will display.
3. Locate and select the grid value to be deleted
Note: After clicking the grid value, the value will be highlighted.
4. Click the to delete the grid value
Note: In order to delete the grid value, no sales or inventory transactions can be attached to the value. The deleted grid value will not be removed until Step 5.
5. Click Save
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Grids
2. To select an existing grid, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the grid name
Note: After the grid is selected, the grid and grid values will display.
3. Reference the Delete Grid Value steps in order to delete the grid values
4. After all grid values are removed from the grid, click Delete to delete the grid
5. Click Yes when prompted to delete the grid