The Manage User feature enables retailers to create a RICS User to access the RICS POS and RICS Back Office based on roles and permission settings.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
• Create a User
• Edit a User
• Delete a User
• Unlock a User
• Update a User’s Password
• Enable/Disable a User
• Enable a User as a Decision Maker
Follow the steps below to create a RICS User.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Manage Users
2. Enter a login, password, password confirmation, last name and first name in the corresponding fields
Note: To view the password requirements, click ‘Password Requirements’.
Note: Fields with a solid purple line at the beginning of the field are required and must be filled in prior to Step 7.
3. If the information is available, enter a middle name, phone number, email, email confirmation, select a Security question, and enter a security answer in the corresponding fields
4. If different from the user creation date, enter a user start date in the Start Date field
5. In the Roles list, select the checkbox next to the role(s) to be associated with the user
Note: As roles are selected, the permissions associated with the roles will display in the Allowed Permission section.
6. Enter a Cashier Code or click Get Next Code to be associated with the user at the RICS POS and corresponding reports
7. Click Save and Clear
Note: If the user will receive commission, click Save and Continue and proceed to the Commissions Tab section.
1. Click the Commissions tab
2. Enter the user’s commission percentage in the Commission % field
3. Use the Commission Type dropdown menu to select if the commission percentage will be based on sales or profit
Sales – The commission will be calculated based on total sales multiplied by the entered percentage.
Profit – The commission will be calculated based on total profit multiplied by the entered percentage.
Note: If the user’s commission is based only on sales or profit, proceed to Step 6. If a class commission override is necessary, proceed to Step 4.
4. Enter the override percentage rate in the Override Rate (%) field and use the Classes dropdown menu to select a class or classes
Example: A user receives a base level commission of 5% on sales and 10% on insoles.
5. Click Add
Note: After clicking Add, the class commission override(s) will display in the Class Commission Overrides list.
6. Click Save
Follow the steps below to edit a RICS User.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Manage Users
2. To select an existing user, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the user
Note: After the user is selected, the general information for the user will populate.
3. As needed, make any necessary changes to the user’s profile
Note: Fields with a solid purple line at the beginning of the field are required and must be filled in prior to Step 4.
4. If the user receives commission, click the Commissions tab to make any necessary edits
5. Click Save and Clear
Note: For the changes to take effect at the RICS POS, close and reopen the RICS POS.
Follow the steps below to delete a RICS User.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Manage Users
2. To select an existing user, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the user
Note: After the user is selected, the general information for the user will populate.
3. Click Delete
Note: If Delete cannot be clicked selected, hover over the Delete button to view why the user cannot be deleted.
Follow the steps below to unlock a RICS User.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Manage Users
2. To select an existing user, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the user
Note: After the user is selected, the general information for the user will populate.
3. Locate and select the Locked Out checkbox to unlock the user
4. Click Save and Clear
Note: For the change to take effect at the RICS POS, close and reopen the RICS POS.
Follow the steps below to update a RICS User’s password.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Manage Users
2. To select an existing user, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the user
Note: After the user is selected, the general information for the user will populate.
3. Locate and click ‘Change Password’
4. Enter and confirm the updated password
Note: The store-specific password requirements will display.
5. Click Change Password
6. Click Save and Clear
Note: For the change to take effect at the RICS POS, please close and reopen the RICS POS.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Manage Users
2. To select an existing user, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the user
Note: After the user is selected, the general information for the user will populate.
3. Locate and select the Require New Password checkbox
4. Click Save and Clear
Note: The user will be prompted to change their password upon the next login. For the change to take effect at the RICS POS, close and reopen the RICS POS
Follow the steps below to enable or disable a RICS User.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Enable/Disable Users
2. Enter a user’s login in the Users to Update field
Note: To enable multiple users, insert a comma between each user’s login.
3. In the User Options window, select Enable Selected Users
4. As needed, select Update Employment Start Date checkbox and enter a new start date
5. Click Enable Selected Users
6. Enter ‘Enable’ when prompted and click Enable
Note: A Post Change Results list will appear displaying the enabled user(s).
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Enable/Disable Users
2. Enter a user’s login in the Users to Update field
Note: To disable multiple users, insert a comma between each user’s login.
3. In the User Options window, select Disable Selected Users
4. As needed, select Update Employment End Date checkbox and enter a new end date
5. Click Disabled Selected Users
6. Enter ‘Disable’ when prompted and click Disable
Note: A Post Change Results list will appear displaying the disabled user(s).
RICS users identified as a RICS Decision Maker will receive important messages, be able to opt-in their organization for new product features, and assign other users the Decision Maker role. Follow the steps below to enable a user as a Decision Maker.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Users :: Manage Users
2. To select an existing user, use the LookUp Tool to enter or search for the user
Note: After the user is selected, the general information for the user will populate.
3. Locate and select the Decision Maker checkbox to enable the user as a Decision Maker
Note: Only users currently enabled as Decision Makers have the ability to assign other users the Decision Maker role.
4. Click Save