The Manage Supplier feature enables retailers to create a supplier and associate those suppliers with product (I.e., SKUs) in order to analyze sales and inventory transactions as they occur through the RICS Back Office and the RICS POS. Applying a supplier to a product allows retailers to analyze supplier performance at a supplier, class and/or SKU level.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
• Create a Supplier
• Edit a Supplier
• Delete a Supplier
Follow the steps below to create a supplier.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Suppliers
2. Enter the appropriate values in the following required fields
Supplier Code – Enter up to an eight character alphanumeric supplier code.
Supplier Name – Enter up to a sixteen character alphanumeric supplier name.
3. Enter the supplier’s address in the Supplier Address field
Note: The supplier’s address will display on a printed purchase order.
4. Use the Color Code section to select whether a three or five digit color code field will be available and required on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen for items associated with this supplier
Note: If a color code will not be used for the supplier, select Not Applicable.
5. If the information is available, enter the appropriate values in the following optional fields
Long Name – Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric supplier name.
Telephone – Enter up to a twenty digit supplier phone number.
Fax – Enter up to a twenty digit supplier fax number.
Email – Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric supplier email address.
Website – Enter up to a 256 character alphanumeric supplier website URL.
Contact – Enter up to a thirty-two character supplier contact name.
Terms – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric supplier note to display on a printed purchase order.
Ship Via – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric shipping method to display on a printed purchase order.
Comments – Enter up to a 1024 character alphanumeric supplier comment.
6. Click Save and Continue
1. Click the Account Numbers tab
2. To select a store, enter or search for the store number in the Store field
3. Enter the store’s supplier account number in the Account Number field
4. Click Add
5. Repeat Steps 2-4 for additional stores
6. Click Save and Continue
1. Click the Purchasing Options tab
2. Select or enter the necessary values in the Supplier Defaults and Options section
Default Discount Percent on POs– Enter a discount percent to apply to purchase orders associated with the supplier.
Default Bill To Org – Enter the default bill to store number.
Allow Back Order Options (Select One)
Force answer to NO – Back orders will not be accepted.
Force answer to YES – Back orders will be accepted.
Allow User Entry, Default to NO – Back orders will default to NO, but a user has the ability to change this selection on the Inventory :: Purchasing :: Enter Purchase Order screen.
Allow User Entry, Default to YES – Back orders will default to YES, but a user has the ability to change this selection on the Inventory :: Purchasing :: Enter Purchase Order screen.
Allow Split Shipment Options (Select One)
Force answer to NO – Split shipments will not be accepted.
Force answer to YES – Split shipments will be accepted.
Allow User Entry, Default to NO – Split shipments will default to NO, but a user has the ability to change this selection on the Inventory :: Purchasing :: Enter Purchase Order screen.
Allow User Entry, Default to YES – Split shipments will default to YES, but a user has the ability to change this selection on the Inventory :: Purchasing :: Enter Purchase Order screen.
Cancel Date Requirement Options (Select One)
Disabled – A cancel date is not required.
Required - A cancel date is required (recommended).
As is (blank allowed) – A cancel date is optional and the field can be left blank.
Ship Date Requirement Options (Select One)
ForceDateToNone – A ship date is not required.
RequireUserToEnterDate – A ship date is required (recommended).
AllowUserDate – Allows a user to choose the ship date.
Use PO Order Date – A ship date will default to the order date and cannot be changed.
Require Enter Date (Order Date) – A ship date will default to the order date and can be changed.
Allow Editing of Terms Options (Select One)
NO edit of Terms (use Supplier) – A user cannot edit the supplier terms.
NO editing of Terms (blank) – A user cannot edit the supplier terms and the field can be left blank.
Allow Terms edit (blank ok) – A user can edit the supplier terms or leave the field blank.
Allow Terms edit (no blank) – A user must enter the supplier terms.
Program Code Requirement Options (Select One)
Do NOT allow Program Code – A user cannot see or enter a program code.
Allow Program Code – A user can enter a program code (recommended).
Require Program Code – Requires a user to enter a program code offered by the supplier.
Default Purchase Order Type – Select ‘Stand Alone Order’ to prevent ordering and shipping delays.
Print Cost on PO – Select the checkbox to display the purchasing cost(s) on a printed purchase order (recommended).
Print Price on PO – Select the checkbox to display the retail price(s) on a printed purchase order.
Allow Drop Ship – Do not select the checkbox to prevent ordering and shipping delays.
# of days out orders can still be modified via EDI – Leave black to prevent ordering and shipping delays.
Default Shipping Instructions – Select ‘None’ to prevent ordering and shipping delays.
Default Packaging Type – Select ‘None’ to prevent ordering and shipping delays.
Default PO Format Options:
Grid (RICS recommended)
3. Click Save and Clear
Follow the steps below to edit a supplier.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Suppliers
2. To select an existing supplier, enter or search for the supplier code in the Supplier Code field
Note: After the supplier is selected, the supplier details will populate.
3. Edit the necessary fields on the General, Account Numbers and Purchasing Options tabs
4. Click Save and Clear
Follow the steps below to delete a supplier.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage Suppliers
2. To select an existing supplier, enter or search for the supplier code in the Supplier Code field
Note: After the supplier is selected, the supplier details will populate.
3. Click Delete
4. Click Yes when prompted to delete a supplier
Note: If items are currently attached to a supplier, the following message will appear, preventing the supplier from being deleted.