The Manage SKU (stock keeping unit) feature enables retailers to create an item in the RICS Back Office using the manufacturer item code. Creating a SKU allows retailers to analyze SKU performance by monitoring inventory and sales transactions as they occur through the RICS Back Office and RICS POS.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
• Create a SKU
• Edit a SKU
• Delete a SKU
• Merge a SKU
Follow the steps below to create a SKU.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage SKUs
2. Select or enter the SKU, supplier code, supplier SKU, class, and color values in the corresponding fields
SKU – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric manufacturer item code.
Supplier Code – Enter or search for a supplier code as set in Setup :: Manage Suppliers.
Supplier SKU – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric manufacturer item code. The Supplier SKU field will autofill with the information entered in the SKU field.
Class – Select the class to associate the item with from the dropdown menu.
Color – Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric item color.
3. Enter the cost, retail price, markdown, list price, and/or perk values in the corresponding fields
Cost – Enter the cost for the manufacturer item, typically the wholesale cost.
Retail Price – Enter the retail price for the manufacturer item, typically the selling price.
Markdown – Enter the markdown price for the item, typically the sales price.
List Price – Enter the list price for the manufacturer item, typically the MSRP.
Perk – If necessary, enter the SKU incentive in terms of dollars.
Note: The GP% will be calculated based on the entered cost compared to the retail price or the markdown.
Note: If necessary, use the SKU Advanced Size Pricing icon to set a size level price(s). After the price(s) is entered, click Close Advanced Pricing.
4. Select or enter the short description, long description, available to POS on, available to order until, and label type values in the corresponding fields
Short Description – Enter up to a twenty-character alphanumeric item description to print on a RICS POS receipt.
Long Description – Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric item description.
Available to POS On – Enter the date in which the SKU will be available to transact in MM/DD/YY format.
Available to Order Until – Enter the date until which the SKU will be available to order in MM/DD/YY format.
Label Type – Select the default label type from the dropdown menu.
5. If necessary, enter a comment or alert in the corresponding fields to display when the SKU is loaded, ordered, received or transacted
6. If set up within Setup :: Manage Custom Entries, enter a custom entry or entries in the Custom Entry field
7. Click Save and Continue
1. After clicking Save and Continue, the user will automatically be taken to the Grid tab
Note: If an item does not require a size grid, proceed to the UPC Tab section.
2. Use the Column dropdown menu to select the size grid in which the product is available
Note: Select the checkbox next to the size(s) an item is not available in to prevent the item from being ordered, received or transacted in that size.
3. If necessary, use the Row dropdown menu to select the width/length grid in which the product is available
Note: Select the checkbox next to the width/length(s) an item is not available in to prevent the item from being ordered, received or transacted in that width/length.
4. Click Save and Continue
1. Click on the UPC tab
2. Enter or scan the manufacturer UPC code into the corresponding size
Note: If a UPC is highlighted in , please verify the numbers entered are correct.
3. Click Save UPCs
Note: After clicking Save UPCs, the UPCs will display in the UPC list.
4. Click Save and Continue
1. Click the Size Availability tab.
Note: If size availability is not necessary and all sizes selected on the Grid tab can be ordered, proceed to Step 4.
2. Enter the date in which a size can no longer be ordered
3. Click Save Availability Dates
Note: After clicking Save Availability Dates, the dates will display in the Size Availability list.
4. Click Save and Clear
Follow the steps below to edit a SKU.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage SKUs
2. To select a SKU, enter or search for the SKU in the SKU field
Note: After the SKU is selected, the SKU details will populate.
3. As needed, edit the necessary fields on the General, Grid, UPC and Size Availability tabs
4. Click Save and Clear
Follow the steps below to delete a SKU.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Setup :: Manage SKUs
2. To select a SKU, enter or search for the SKU in the SKU field
Note: After the SKU is selected, the SKU details will populate.
3. Click Delete
4. Click Yes when prompted to delete the SKU
Note: If the delete button is greyed out, the product cannot be deleted. Please review the restrictions below:
Delete restrictions:
The user does not have permission to delete the SKU.
The item was created at a different level than where the user is navigated.
The item has on hand, in-transit, non-sellable and/or physical inventory quantities.
The item has open quantities on an unreceived purchase order and/or a transfer order.
The item exists on an open special order or layaway transaction.
The item exists on a POS ticket within the void window (the first day of the previous month).
The item exists on an active, partially shipped, or shipped pending order within the void window (the first day of the previous month).
The item exists on a non-sellable batch completed within the first day of the previous month.
The item is the target of a product merge currently in progress.
Follow the steps below to merge a SKU.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory :: Stock Maintenance :: Merge SKUs
2. Select the SKU Selection method
Note: The SKU selection method allows the user to merge any two items from the same store level or a lower store level into an upper store owner level.
3. Click Next
4. Enter or search for the SKU to merge, in the Select a SKU to Merge field
Note: After the SKU is selected, the From SKU Details will populate.
5. Enter or search for the SKU to merge into, in the Select a SKU to Merge Into field
Note: After the SKU is selected, the To SKU Details will populate.
6. Click Next
7. Use the size dropdown menu(s) to map where each size and/or width will be merged
Note: All UPCs, on hand, and on order inventory quantities will merge into the mapped size(s). Sales history will remain on the SKU to Merge and is available via limited RICS Back Office reports when Report Criteria options are left open.
8. Click Merge SKUs
9. Click Ok when notified that the product merge has started
Note: To view an item’s merge status, navigate to Reporting :: Report History and click on the Merge SKU report.