The Universal Imports feature enables retailers to create, import and update supplier, SKU and UPC data in small or large quantities to save time and improve the data accuracy.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to use the Universal Imports feature to import:
• Suppliers
• SKUs
• UPCs
Follow the steps below to create, import and update supplier data.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Import :: Universal Imports
2. Click Help with importing files
3. Select the ‘Just the headers’ template file in the Suppliers section
Note: The supplier import template will open in Excel.
4. Enter the appropriate values in the following required fields
Supplier Code – Enter up to an eight character alphanumeric supplier code to be searchable on the Manage SKUs, Inventory Inquiry, Find Inventory By Size, purchasing, receiving and reporting screens (Example: NBAS).
Supplier Short Name – Enter up to a sixteen character alphanumeric supplier name to be searchable on the Manage SKUs, Inventory Inquiry, Find Inventory By Size, purchasing, receiving and reporting screens (Example: New Balance).
Use Supplier Cost – Enter ‘Yes’ to provide users with an additional cost field for all items in which the manufacturer cost differs from the purchasing cost. Enter ‘No’ (recommended) if the costs are identical.
Use Color Code – Enter ‘Three Digit’ or ‘Five Digit’ to provide users with an additional color field for all items in which the manufacturer assigns a color name and a color code. Enter ‘Not Used’ (recommended) to exclude.
Include Cost On PO – Enter ‘Yes’ to display the purchasing cost(s) on a printed purchase order. Enter ‘No’ to exclude.
Include Retail Price On PO –Enter ‘Yes’ to display the retail price(s) on a printed purchase order. Enter ‘No’ to exclude.
Allow Drop Ship – Enter ‘Yes’ to provide users with the option to have the supplier ship directly to a customer on the Inventory :: Purchasing :: Enter Purchase Order screen. Enter ‘No’ (recommended) to exclude.
Is Sellable On Line – If ecommerce integration is not utilized within the store, enter ‘None’. If ecommerce integration is utilized, enter one of the following values.
‘All’ – Send all product information for a single supplier to an ecommerce platform.
‘Select’ – Use the Manage SKUs screen to determine what items are sent to an ecommerce platform.
5. If the information is available, enter the appropriate values in the following optional fields
Supplier Name – Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric supplier name.
Terms – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric supplier term to display on a printed purchase order.
Ship Via – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric shipping method to display on a printed purchase order.
Contact – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric supplier contact name.
Phone Number – Enter up to a twenty digit supplier phone number.
Fax Number – Enter up to a twenty digit supplier fax number.
Email – Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric supplier email address.
Supplier URL – Enter up to a 256 character alphanumeric supplier website URL.
Alert – Enter up to a 100 character alphanumeric alert message to display on the purchasing and receiving screens.
Back Order Type Options (Enter One)
Force answer to NO – Back orders will not be accepted.
Force answer to YES – Back orders will be accepted.
Allow User Entry, Default to NO – Back orders will default to NO, but a user has the ability to change this selection on the Inventory :: Purchasing :: Enter Purchase Order screen.
Allow User Entry, Default to YES – Back orders will default to YES, but a user has the ability to change this selection on the Inventory :: Purchasing :: Enter Purchase Order screen.
Split Shipment Type Options (Enter One)
Force answer to NO – Split shipments will not be accepted.
Force answer to YES – Split shipments will be accepted.
Allow User Entry, Default to NO – Split shipments will default to NO, but a user has the ability to change this selection on the Inventory :: Purchasing :: Enter Purchase Order screen.
Allow User Entry, Default to YES – Split shipments will default to YES, but a user has the ability to change this selection on the Inventory :: Purchasing :: Enter Purchase Order screen.
Cancel Date Requirement Type Options (Enter One)
Disabled – A cancel date is not required.
Required - A cancel date is required (recommended).
As is (blank allowed) – A cancel date is optional and the field can be left blank.
Ship Date Requirement Type Options (Enter One)
ForceDateToNone – A ship date is not required.
RequireUserToEnterDate – A ship date is required (recommended).
AllowUserDate – Allows a user to choose the ship date.
Use PO Order Date – A ship date will default to the order date and cannot be changed.
Require Enter Date (Order Date) – A ship date will default to the order date and can be changed.
Edit Terms Requirement Options (Enter One)
NO edit of Terms (use Supplier) – A user cannot edit the supplier terms.
NO editing of Terms (blank) – A user cannot edit the supplier terms and the field will be left blank (recommended).
Allow Terms edit (blank ok) – A user can edit the supplier terms or leave the field blank.
Allow Terms edit (no blank) – A user must enter the supplier terms.
Program Code Requirement Type Options:
Do NOT allow Program Code – A user cannot see or enter a program code.
Allow Program Code – A user can enter a program code (recommended).
Require Program Code – Requires a user to enter a program code offered by the supplier.
Default Purchase Order Type – Enter ‘Stand Alone Order’ to prevent ordering and shipping delays.
Default Discount Percent – Enter a discount percent to apply to purchase orders associated with the supplier.
Default PO Format Type Options:
Grid (recommended)
6. Click File, then Save As to name and save the supplier import in .csv format
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Imports :: Universal Imports
2. Click Choose Files
3. Select the supplier import saved in Step 6 of the Create Supplier Import section
4. Click Open
Note: After the supplier import is opened, the file will appear in green with the number of records to be imported. If a message appears in red, please address any issues prior to completing Step 5. The Import Type and # of Records will also display the type of import and number of suppliers within the file.
5. In the Treat As section, select New Entries
6. Click Import Records
7. Review the Import Report from the Report History to verify the supplier import was successful
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Data Export :: Custom Exports :: Export Suppliers
2. Enter the necessary values on the Report Options and Report Criteria tabs to determine which suppliers to export
Note: To export all suppliers, leave the report options and report criteria fields blank.
3. Click Export Data
Note: The user will automatically be taken to Report History screen.
4. Select the Export Suppliers report
Note: The supplier export will open in Excel in the same format as the supplier import file.
5. Edit any required or optional fields in the file with the exception of the Supplier Code field
Required Fields – See Create Supplier Import Step 4 for field requirements.
Optional Fields – See Create Supplier Import Step 5 for field requirements.
6. Click File, then Save As to name and save the supplier import in .csv format
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Imports :: Universal Imports
2. Click Choose Files
3. Select the supplier import saved in Step 6 of the Edit Supplier Export section
4. Click Open
Note: After the supplier import is opened, the file will appear in green with the number of records to be updated. If a message appears in red, please address any issues prior to completing Step 5. The Import Type and # of Records will also display the type of import and number of suppliers within the file.
5. In the Treat As section, select Updates
6. Click Import Records
7. Review the Import Report from the Report History to verify the supplier update was successful
Follow the steps below to create, import and update SKU data.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Import :: Universal Imports
2. Click Help with importing files
3. Select the ‘Just the headers’ template file in the SKU section
Note: The SKU import template will open in Excel.
4. Enter the appropriate values in the following required fields.
SKU – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric SKU, typically a manufacturer item code.
Supplier – Enter the associated supplier code as set up within Setup :: Manage Suppliers.
Supplier SKU – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric SKU, typically a manufacturer item code.
Class Path – Enter the associated class path as set up within Setup :: Manage Classes.
Note: The class path must be in TagParent|Tag format (I.E., Womens|Athletic|Running).
Cost – Enter the cost for a manufacturer item, typically the wholesale cost.
Retail Price – Enter the retail price for a manufacturer item, typically the selling price.
5. If the information is available, enter the appropriate values in the following optional fields
Summary – Enter up to a twenty-character alphanumeric item description. The summary will print on the RICS POS receipt and is referred to as the Short Description on the Manage SKUs screen.
Description – Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric item description. The description is referred to as the Long Description on the Manage SKUs screen.
SKU Style – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric style code.
Color –Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric item color.
Color Code – If set up within Setup :: Manage Suppliers, enter the required color code.
Brand – Leave blank.
List Price – Enter the list price for a manufacturer item, typically the MSRP.
Primary Grid – Enter a column grid name as set up within Setup :: Manage Grids.
Note: The primary grid field is optional, but should be entered if the product will be ordered, received and sold as separate sizes (i.e., S, M, L; 10, 10.5, 11).
Secondary Grid – Enter a row grid name as set up within Setup :: Manage Grids.
Note: The secondary grid field is optional, but should be entered if the product will be ordered, received and sold as separate widths/lengths (i.e., B, D, 2E; N, M, W).
Season – If set up within Setup :: Manage Custom Entries, enter the season in which an item is associated.
Note: The season must be in TagParent|Tag format (i.e., Season|Fall 16).
Label Type – Enter ‘None’, ‘Regular’, ‘Hang Tags’, ‘Jewelry Tags’, ‘Small’ or ‘Other’ to select the default label type.
Custom Entry – If set up within Setup :: Manage Custom Entries, enter a custom entry or entries in which an item is associated.
Note: The custom entry path must be in TagParent|Tag format (i.e., Reorder Type|Seasonal).
Is Sellable Online – If ecommerce integration is utilized and ‘Select’ is entered as the sellable online option for the supplier within Setup :: Manage Suppliers, enter ‘True’ to send the SKU information to an ecommerce platform or enter ‘False’ to exclude.
Available On – Enter the date in which the SKU will be available in MM/DD/YY format.
Note: If left blank, the SKU will be available the day of the import.
Available Until – Enter the date until which the SKU will be available in MM/DD/YY format.
6. Click File, then Save As to name and save the SKU import in .csv format
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Imports :: Universal Imports
2. Click Choose Files
3. Select the SKU import saved in Step 6 of the Create SKU Import section
4. Click Open
Note: After the SKU import is opened, the file will appear in green with the number of records to be imported. If a message appears in red, please address any issues prior to completing Step 5. The Import Type and # of Records will also reflect the type of import and number of SKUs within the file.
5. In the Treat As section, select New Entries
6. Click Import Records
7. Review the Import Report from the Report History to verify the SKU import was successful
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Data Export :: Custom Exports :: Export SKUs
2. Enter the necessary values on the Report Options and Report Criteria tabs to determine which SKUs to export
Note: To export all SKUs, leave the report options and report criteria fields blank.
3. Click Export Data
Note: The user will automatically be taken to Report History screen.
4. Select the Export SKUs report
Note: The SKU export will open in Excel in the same format as a SKU import file.
5. Edit any required or optional fields in the file with the exception of the SKU, Primary and/or Secondary Grid fields
Required – See Create SKU Import Step 4 for field requirements.
Optional – See Create SKU Import Step 5 for field requirements.
6. Click File, then Save As to name and save the SKU import in .csv format
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Imports :: Universal Imports
2. Click Choose Files
3. Select the SKU import saved in Step 6 of the Edit SKU Export section
4. Click Open
Note: After the SKU import is opened, the file will appear in green with the number of records to be imported. If a message appears in red, please address any issues prior to completing Step 5. The Import Type and # of Records will also reflect the type of import and number of SKUs within the file.
5. In the Treat As section, select Updates
6. Click Import Records
7. Review the Import Report from the Report History to verify the SKU import was successful
Follow the steps below to create and import UPC data.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Import :: Universal Imports
2. Click Help with importing files
3. Select the ‘Just the headers’ template file in the UPC section
Note: The UPC import template will open in Excel
4. Enter the appropriate values in the following required fields
SKU – Enter the associated SKU as set up within Setup :: Manage SKUs.
Supplier – Enter the associated Supplier Code as set up within Setup :: Manage SKUs.
Primary Feature – Enter the grid column value associated with a primary grid and SKU as set up within Setup :: Manage SKUs.
Note: A primary feature is only required if a primary grid is associated with a SKU.
Secondary Feature – Enter the grid column value associated with a secondary grid and SKU as set up within Setup :: Manage SKUs.
Note: A secondary feature is only required if a secondary grid is associated with a SKU.
UPC – Enter up to a sixty-four character alphanumeric manufacturer UPC.
5. If the information is available, enter the appropriate values in the following optional fields
Primary Grid – Enter the associated primary grid as set up within Setup :: Manage SKUs.
Secondary Grid – Enter associated secondary grid as set up within Setup :: Manage SKUs.
Brand – Leave Blank.
6. Click File, then Save As to name and save the UPC import in .csv format
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Imports :: Universal Imports
2. Click Choose Files
3. Select the UPC import saved in Step 6 of the Create UPC Import section
4. Click Open
Note: After the UPC import is opened, the file will appear in green with the number of records to be imported. If a message appears in red, please address any issues prior to completing Step 5. The Import Type and # of Records will also reflect the type of import and number of UPCs within the file.
5. In the Treat As section, select New Entries
6. Click Import Records
7. Review the Import Report from the Report History to verify the UPC import was successful