How to Analyze Product Performance

RICS buying, inventory and POS features enable retailers to track and analyze supplier, class, grid, SKU, color and/or product custom entries as they are transacted through the RICS Back Office and the RICS POS through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to analyze product performance via:
Generate a Sales Analysis Report
Generate a Sales Analysis Inventory Summary Report
Generate a Best Sellers Report
Generate a Grid Analysis Report


The Sales Analysis report enables retailers to analyze inventory transactions as they occur through the RICS Back Office and the RICS POS to identify the best and worst sellers through KPIs.


1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Sales :: Sales Analysis

2. Use the In Order Of dropdown menu to determine the order in which to display the analyzed inventory

In Order of Options:

SKU / Selected Report Type – Select to display inventory in alphabetical order by SKU.

Quantity Sold – Select to display inventory in descending order based on quantity sold.

Net Sales – Select to display inventory in descending order based on net sales.

Profit – Select to display inventory in descending order based on profit.

ROI – Select to display inventory in descending order based on ROI.


Turns – Select to display inventory in descending order based on turns.


Inventory Value – Select to display inventory in descending order based on current on hand quantities multiplied by the Value Inventory At selection.

3. Use the Analyze By dropdown menu to determine what data to analyze

Analyze By Options:

Supplier – Select to analyze the In Order Of data alphabetically by supplier.

Class – Select to analyze the In Order Of data alphabetically by class.

Custom Entries/Color – Select to analyze the In Order Of data alphabetically by custom entry or color.

4. If necessary, use the Coupons dropdown menu to determine how to display coupons

5. Use the Report Type dropdown menu to determine the level of detail in which to display results

Report Type Options:

SKU Detail – Select to display analyzed inventory at a SKU level.

Note: Select the Combine SKUs by Description checkbox to combine SKUs based on the same description as entered in the Short Description field on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.

Class Summary – Select to display analyzed inventory at a class level.

Note: If Class Summary is selected, a Class Depth Limit option will display to determine the depth in which to report class sales. To report at the lowest class level, leave this field blank.

Custom Entry / Color Summary – Select to display analyzed inventory at a custom entry or color level.

Note: If Custom Entry / Color Summary is selected, a Custom Entry / Color dropdown menu will display to determine in which custom entry to report sales.

Supplier Summary – Select to display analyzed inventory at a supplier level.

Price Point Summary – Select to display analyzed inventory at a price point level.

Note: If Price Point Summary is selected, a Price Point option will display to determine at what price points to report sales.

6. Use the Value Inventory At menu and the Date dropdown menu to determine when and what inventory values to display

Note: Select the Value In-Transit Inventory as On Hand at the Receiving Store checkbox to include transferred but not yet received inventory for a multi-store organization.

7. Use the What Sale Types Would You Like to Include section to determine what types of sales to analyze

8. If necessary, enter a date range in the Filter by These Dates section to determine if the analyzed inventory will report on availability dates as set in Setup :: Manage SKUs

Note: Leave blank to prevent inventory and sales transactions from being excluded.

9. Use the Report Column 1 and Report Column 2 sections to determine what sales period(s) to analyze and/or compare

10. Use the Show Percentages By dropdown menu to determine how inventory and sales compare to a store or report

Show Percentages By Options:

Percent of Store – Select to compare inventory and sales totals against a store.

Percent of Report – Select to compare inventory and sales totals against selected report criteria.

11. Enter the date conditions options to narrow down the list of items to display on the report based on a receiving date

Date Conditions Options:

Date Last Received from – Include items with a last received date falling within the dates entered.

Date First Received from – Include items with a first received date falling within the dates entered.

Age By – Use the dropdown menu to select to age by date last or date first received.


1. After selecting the report options, click the Report Criteria tab

Note: To report on all items within a store based on selections on the Report Options tab only, leave the Report Criteria fields blank and proceed to Step 4.

2. Select and enter the necessary criteria to determine what items to display on the report. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.


By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) to determine which supplier(s) to output.

By Class – From the dropdown menu, select the class or classes to determine which class to output.

By Color – Enter a color(s) to determine which color(s) to output.

By SKU – Enter or search for an item(s) to determine which item(s) to output.

By Col – From the dropdown menu, select the column value(s) within the column grid(s) to output.

By Row – From the dropdown menu, select the row value(s) within the row grid(s) to output.

By Coupon Code – Enter or search for a coupon code(s) to determine which coupons to output.

Product Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which custom entry to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Suppliers, Colors, SKUs, Coupon Codes or Product Custom Entries, separate each value by a comma. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.

3. Use the Pricing section to determine whether to report on items based on a price and perk as of today

Pricing Options:

Include Only SKUs At Retail Price (as of today) – The Sales Analysis report will only display items based on previously set criteria without a Markdown Price on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.

Include Only SKUs At Markdown Price (as of today) – The Sales Analysis report will only display items based on previously set criteria with a Markdown Price on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.

Include Only SKUs With Perks (as of today) – The Sales Analysis report will only display items based on previously set criteria with a Perk on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.

4. Click Add Job and Run


The Sales Analysis Inventory Summary report enables retailers to analyze inventory over a selected period of time, to compare beginning to ending on hand quantities and analyze sales, returns, transfers, inventory adjustments, and item receipts as they are transacted through the RICS Back Office and the RICS POS.


1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Sales :: Sales Analysis Inventory Summary

2. Use the Analyze By dropdown menu to determine what data to analyze

Analyze By Options:

Supplier – Select to analyze data alphabetically by supplier.

Class – Select to analyze data alphabetically by class.

Custom Entries/Color – Select to analyze data alphabetically by custom entry or color.

3. If necessary, use the Coupons dropdown menu to determine how to display coupons

4. Use the Value Inventory At menu and the Date dropdown menu to determine when and what inventory values to display

Note: Select the Value In-Transit Inventory as On Hand at the Receiving Store checkbox to include transferred but not yet received inventory for a multi-store organization.

5. If necessary, enter a date range in the Filter by These Dates section to determine if the analyzed inventory will report on availability dates as set in Setup :: Manage SKUs

Note: Leave blank to prevent inventory and sales transactions from being excluded.

6. Use the Report Type dropdown menu to determine the level of detail in which to display the results

Report Type Options:

SKU Detail – Select to display analyzed inventory at a SKU level.

Note: Select the Combine SKUs by Description checkbox to combine SKUs based on the same description as entered in the Short Description field on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.

Class Summary – Select to display analyzed inventory at a class level.

Note: If Class Summary is selected, a Class Depth Limit option will display to determine the depth in which to report class sales. To report at the lowest class level, leave this field blank.

Custom Entry / Color Summary – Select to display analyzed inventory at a custom entry or color level.

Note: If Custom Entry / Color Summary is selected, a Custom Entry / Color dropdown menu will display to determine in which custom entry to report sales.

Supplier Summary – Select to display analyzed inventory at a supplier level.

Price Point Summary – Select to display analyzed inventory at a price point level.

Note: If Price Point Summary is selected, a Price Point option will display to determine at what price points to report sales.

7. Use the Sales Period dropdown menu to determine what sales period to analyze

8. Use the Show Percentages By dropdown menu to determine how inventory and sales compare to a store or report

Show Percentages By Options:

Percent of Store – Select to compare inventory and sales totals against a store.

Percent of Report – Select to compare inventory and sales totals against selected report criteria.

9. Enter the date conditions options to narrow down the list of items to display on the report based on a receiving date

Date Conditions Options:

Date Last Received from – Include items with a last received date falling within the dates entered.

Date First Received from – Include items with a first received date falling within the dates entered.

Age By – Use the dropdown menu to select to age by date last or date first received.

10. Use the Inventory Summary Options dropdown menu to determine what value to display

Inventory Summary Options:

Quantity – Select to display the inventory summary at quantity.

At Cost – Select to display the inventory summary at cost.

At Retail – Select to display the inventory summary at retail.


1. After selecting the report options, click the Report Criteria tab

Note: To report on all items within a store based on selections on the Report Options tab only, leave the Report Criteria fields blank and proceed to Step 3.

2. Select and enter the necessary criteria to determine what items to display on the report. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.


By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) to determine which supplier(s) to output.

By Class – From the dropdown menu, select the class or classes to determine which class to output.

By Color – Enter a color(s) to determine which color(s) to output.

By SKU – Enter or search for an item(s) to determine which item(s) to output.

By Coupon Code – Enter or search for a coupon code(s) to determine which coupons to output.

Product Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which custom entry to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Suppliers, Colors, SKUs, Coupon Codes or Product Custom Entries, separate each value by a comma. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.

3. Click Add Job and Run


The Best Sellers report enables retailers to analyze sales transactions as they occur through the RICS POS to identify and rank the best and worst sellers by KPIs.


1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Sales :: Best Sellers

2. Use the Sales Period dropdown menu to determine what sales period to analyze

3. If necessary, select the Include Coupons checkbox to net coupons out of sales totals

4. Use the Best Of dropdown menu to determine which items to analyze

Best Of Options:

Stores – Select to display the best or worst selling items for a store.

Supplier – Select to display the best or worst selling items for a supplier.

Class – Select to display the best or worst selling items for a class.

Custom Entry/Color – Select to display the best or worst selling items for a custom entry or color.

SKU – Select to display the best or worst selling items by SKU.

SKUs by Supplier – Select to display the best or worst selling items by supplier.

SKUs by Class – Select to display the best or worst selling items by class.

SKUs by Custom Entry/Color – Select to display the best or worst selling items by custom entry or color.

Note: If Supplier, Class, Custom Entry/Color, SKU, SKUs by Supplier, SKUs by Class or SKUs by Custom Entry/Color is selected, proceed to Step 5. If Store is selected, proceed to Step 6.

5. Use the Group By dropdown menu to determine how to group the best or worst selling items

Group By Options:

Supplier – Group the Best Of selection results based on supplier.

Class – Group the Best Of selection results based on class. To report at the lowest class level, leave this field blank.

Custom Entry / Color – Group the Best Of selection results based on custom entry or color.

6. Use the In Order Of dropdown menu to determine the order in which to display the analyzed items

In Order of Options:

Quantity Sold – Select to display inventory in descending order based on quantity sold.

Net Sales – Select to display inventory in descending order based on net sales.

Profit – Select to display inventory in descending order based on profit.

ROI – Select to display inventory in descending order based on ROI.


Turns – Select to display inventory in descending order based on turns.


Inventory Value – Select to display inventory in descending order based on current on hand quantities multiplied by the Value Inventory At selection.

Sell-Thru % – Select to display inventory in descending order based on sell-through percentage.


7. If necessary, enter a date range to in the Filter by These Dates section determine if the analyzed inventory will report on availability dates as set in Setup :: Manage SKUs

Note: Leave blank to prevent inventory and sales transactions from being excluded.

8. Enter a minimum quantity sold to determine the starting quantity in which to analyze sales transactions

9. Use the Show Items dropdown menu to determine what items to display

Show Items Options:

All Items – Based on previous selections, items will be displayed and sorted in descending order.

Top Number of Items – Based on previous selections, the top number of items entered will be displayed and sorted in descending order.

Best Above a Cutoff Point – Based on previous selections, the best number of items entered will be displayed and sorted in descending order.

Worst Below a Cutoff Point – Based on previous selections, the worst number of items entered will be displayed and sorted in descending order.

10. Use the Value Inventory At menu and the Date dropdown menu to determine when and what inventory values to display

Note: Select the Value In-Transit Inventory as On Hand at the Receiving Store checkbox to include transferred but not yet received inventory for a multi-store organization.


1. After selecting the report options, click the Report Criteria tab

Note: To report on all items within a store based on the selections on the Report Options tab only, leave the Report Criteria fields blank and click Add Job and Run.

2. Select and enter the necessary criteria to determine what items to display on the report. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.


By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) to determine which supplier(s) to output.

By Class – From the dropdown menu, select the class or classes to determine which class to output.

By Color – Enter a color(s) to determine which color(s) to output.

By SKU – Enter or search for an item(s) to determine which item(s) to output.

By Col – From the dropdown menu, select the column value(s) within the column grid(s) to output.

By Row – From the dropdown menu, select the row value(s) within the row grid(s) to output.

Product Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which custom entry to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Suppliers, Colors, SKUs or Product Custom Entries, separate each value by a comma. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.

3. Use the Pricing section to determine whether to report on items based on a price and perk as of today

Pricing Options:

Include Only SKUs At Retail Price (as of today) – The Best Sellers report will only display items based on previously set criteria without a Markdown Price on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.

Include Only SKUs At Markdown Price (as of today) – The Best Seller report will only display items based on previously set criteria with a Markdown Price on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.

Include Only SKUs With Perks (as of today) – The Best Sellers report will only display items based on previously set criteria with a Perk on the Setup :: Manage SKUs screen.


1. After selecting the report criteria, click the Printing Options tab

Note: To report on items within a store based on the selections on the Report Options and Report Criteria tabs only, leave the Printing Options fields blank and click Add Job and Run.

2. Select the ROI and Turns checkbox under the Also Print section to display ROI and Turns


1. After selecting the printing options, click the Aging Options tab

Note: To report on items within a store based on the selections on the Report Options, Report Criteria, and Printing Options tabs only, leave the Aging Options fields blank and proceed to Step 3.

2. Enter the aging options to narrow down the list of items to display on the report based on a receiving date

Aging Options:

Date Last Received from – Include items with a last received date falling within the dates entered.

Date First Received from – Include items with a first received date falling within the dates entered.

3. Click Add Job and Run


The Grid Analysis report enables retailers to analyze inventory and sales transactions as they occur through the RICS Back Office and the RICS POS to identify the best and worst selling size within a size grid.


1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Reporting :: Sales :: Grid Analysis

2. Use the Group By dropdown menu to determine how to group the analyzed size grids

Group By Options:

Supplier – Select to group size grids by supplier.

Class – Select to group size grids by class.

Note: Select the Print SKUs Detail in Each Group checkbox to display SKUs for each supplier or class.

3. Use the Date dropdown menu to determine when to value inventory for the analyzed size grid(s)


1. After selecting the report options, click the Report Criteria tab

Note: To report on all items within a store based on the selections on the Report Options tab only, leave the Report Criteria fields blank and click Add Job and Run.

2. Select and enter the necessary criteria to determine what items to display on the report. Multiple options can be selected to narrow down a search.


By Supplier – Enter or search for a supplier code(s) to determine which supplier(s) to output.

By Class – From the dropdown menu, select the class or classes to determine which class to output.

By Color – Enter a color(s) to determine which color(s) to output.

By SKU – Enter or search for an item(s) to determine which item(s) to output.

By Col – From the dropdown menu, select the column value(s) within the column grid(s) to output.

By Row – From the dropdown menu, select the row value(s) within the row grid(s) to output.

Product Custom Entries – If set up within the store, enter a custom entry or entries to determine which custom entry to output.

Note: If selecting multiple Suppliers, Colors, SKUs or Product Custom Entries, separate each value by a comma. To exclude the selected value(s), select the checkbox next to Exc.


1. After selecting the report criteria, click the Printing Options tab.

2. Use the Print Which Quantities section to determine what data to display for the analyzed size grids

Print Which Quantities Options:

On-Hand – Select to display the on hand quantities for the analyzed size grids.

On-Hand % of Total – Select to display the percentage of on hand quantities for the analyzed size grids.

On-Order (At Once) – Select to display the on order at once quantities to be shipped within 30 days for the analyzed size grids.

On-Order (At Once) % of Total – Select to display the percentage of on order at once quantities to be shipped within 30 days for the analyzed size grids.

On-Order (Future) – Select to display the on order future quantities to be shipped after 30 days for the analyzed size grids.

On-Order (Future) % of Total – Select to display the percentage of on order future quantities to be shipped after 30 days for the analyzed size grids.

On-Order (Total) – Select to display the total on order quantities for the analyzed size grids.

On- Order (Total) % of Total – Select to display the percentage of total on order quantities for the analyzed size grids.

In Transit – Select to display the transferred but not yet received quantities for the analyzed size grids.

In Transit % of Total – Select to display the percentage of transferred but not yet received quantities for the analyzed size grids.

On-Hand plus In-Transit – Select to display the on hand quantities plus transferred but not yet received quantities for the analyzed size grids.

On-Hand plus In-Transit % of Total – Select to display the percentage of on hand quantities plus transferred but not yet received quantities for the analyzed size grids.

Sales period 1 – Select to display the total number of items sold during the selected sales period for the analyzed size grids.

Sales period 1 % of Total – Select to display the total percentage of items sold during the selected sales period for the analyzed size grids.

Sales period 1 Sell-Thru – Select to display the sell-thru percentage of items sold during the selected sales period for the analyzed size grids.

Sales period 2 – Select to display the total number of items sold during the selected sales period for the analyze size grids.

Sales period 2 % of Total – Select to display the total percentage of items sold during the selected sales period for the analyzed size grids.

Sales period 2 Sell-Thru – Select to display the sell-thru percentage of items sold during the selected sales period for the analyzed size grids.

Available – Select to display the total on hand quantities plus transferred but not yet received quantities for the analyzed size grids.

Available % of Total – Select to display the percentage of on hand quantities plus transferred but not yet received quantities for the analyzed size grids.

Show Negative On-Hand – Select to display the on hand quantifies with negative values for the analyzed size grids.

3. Use the Sales Period 1, Sales Period 2 and Available Period dropdown menus to determine the sales periods for the analyzed size grids


Sales Period 1 & 2 - Select the first and/or second sales period for the analyzed size grids.

Available Period – Select the available period for the analyzed size grids.


4. Click Add Job and Run

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