How to Import Gift Card Data

The RICS Universal Imports feature enables retailers to create and import gift card data in small or large quantities to save time and improve data accuracy.

This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to use the Universal Import feature to import:
Create a Gift Card Import
Upload a Gift Card Import


Follow the steps below to create a gift card import.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Import :: Universal Imports

2. Click Help with importing files


3. Select the ‘Just the headers’ template file in the Gift Card section

Note: The gift card import template will open in Excel.

4. Enter the appropriate values in the following required fields


Gift Card Number – Enter up to a thirty-two character alphanumeric card number.

Gift Card Value – Enter the dollar value of the gift card.

5. Click File, then Save As to name and save the gift card import in .csv format


Follow the steps below to upload a gift card import.

1. In the RICS Back Office, go to System :: Imports :: Universal Imports

2. Click Choose Files


3. Select the gift card import saved in Step 5 of the Create Gift Card Import section

4. Click Open

Note: After the gift card import is opened, the file will appear in green with the number of records to be imported. If a message appears in red, please address any issues prior to completing Step 5. The Import Type and # of Records will also display the type of import and number of gift cards within the file.


5. In the Treat as section, select New Entries

6. Click Import Records


7. Review the Import Report from the Report History to verify the gift card import was successful

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