The Manage Manual Transfer Order feature enables retailers to create transfer order shipments to another inventory location within their organizational structure based on desired quantities. Creating a manual transfer order allows retailers to manage, analyze, and audit transferred versus received quantities as inventory transactions occur through the RICS Back Office.
This document is a resource for retailers to understand how to:
• Create a Manual Transfer Order
• Edit a Manual Transfer Order
• Delete a Manual Transfer Order
Follow the steps below to create a manual transfer order.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory :: Stock Transfer :: Enter Manual Transfer
2. Enter a transfer order number in the Transfer Order # field
Note: A transfer order number is not required and RICS will automatically generate a number if the field is left blank.
3. To select the store sending the transfer, enter or search for the store in the From Store field
4. To select the store receiving the transfer, enter or search for the store in the To Store field
5. If necessary, enter a ship via method, comment and/or alert in the corresponding fields
Ship Via – Enter the shipping method for the transfer order.
Comment – Enter a comment to display when a transfer order is loaded.
Alert – Enter an alert to display when a transfer order is loaded.
6. Click Save TO
1. Click the SKU Detail tab
2. To select a SKU, enter or search for the SKU in the SKU List field
3. Click Add SKU
Note: After the SKU is selected, the SKU details and SKU grid will populate.
SKU Details:
SKU Grid:
4. Enter the transfer quantities in the corresponding sizes
Note: To view the current on hand inventory for an item, select the Show On Hand Qtys checkbox.
5. Click Save SKU
6. If necessary, repeat steps 2-5 to add additional SKUs
Note: To review previously entered SKUs on a transfer order, select a SKU from the SKU list.
7. Click Print Pick Ticket to print a transfer shipping document detailing the items to be transferred
Note: To complete and ship the transfer order to the receiving store, proceed to Step 8. If the transfer order will be completed and shipped at a later time, click Make Visible to All Users to allow the transfer order to be accessed in the future.
8. Click Complete (Ship Order)
1. Click the Scanning tab
2. Scan all UPCs for the items to be transferred in the shipment
3. After scanning the last UPC, click Add to account for the last UPC scanned
4. Click Save Scanned Items
5. Click Print Pick Ticket to print a transfer shipping document detailing the items to be transferred
Note: To complete and ship the transfer order to the receiving store, proceed to Step 6. If the transfer order will be completed and shipped at a later time, click Make Visible to All Users to allow the transfer order to be accessed in the future.
6. Click Complete (Ship Order)
Follow the steps below to create a transfer order via the Upload tab and the Datalogic Memor portable reader.
1. Click the Upload tab
2. Connect the Datalogic Memor portable reader to the computer
3. Select the Upload From Reader option
4. Use the Reader Type dropdown menu to select DataLogic Memor
5. Click Get Data From Reader
6. In the File Dialog box, name the uploaded file and click Save to store the file on the computer
Note: After the file is uploaded the user will receive a message verifying the file has been uploaded successfully.
7. Click the Scanning Tab
8. Click Save Scanned Items
9. Click Print Pick Ticket to print a transfer shipping document detailing the items transferred
Note: To complete and ship the transfer order to the receiving store, proceed to Step 10. If the transfer order will be completed and shipped at a later time, click Make Visible to All Users to allow the transfer order to be accessed in the future.
10. Click Complete (Ship Order)
Follow the steps below to edit a manual transfer order prior to completing and shipping the order.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory :: Stock Transfers :: Enter Manual Transfer
2. To select a transfer order, enter or search for the transfer order in the Transfer Order # LookUp field
Note: After the transfer order is selected, the transfer order details will populate.
3. Edit the necessary fields on the Transfer Order Header, SKU Detail, Scanning and/or Upload tabs
4. Click Save TO
Follow the steps below to delete a manual transfer order prior to completing and shipping the order.
1. In the RICS Back Office, go to Inventory :: Stock Transfers :: Enter Manual Transfer
2. To select a transfer order, enter or search for the transfer order in the Transfer Order # LookUp field
Note: After the transfer order is selected, the transfer order details will populate.
3. Click Delete TO
4. Click Yes when prompted to delete a transfer order