How to use a House Charge

A house charge is a tender type that allows you to add the purchase balance to a customer’s account for them to pay at a later date. 


Back Office Set Up 

There is one Setup Setting that pertains to House accounts that you’ll need to review: 

  1. Navigate to Setup :: Manage Store :: Setup Settings 
  2. Click ‘POS Options 
  3. The seventh option down is about Enforcing Credit Limits on a House Charge – this can be toggled to three options 
  • Enforce – will not allow your cashiers to charge more than the customer’s credit limit 
  • Warn – will pop up a warning if the customer is over their limit. The Cashier can ignore this and continue to charge to the customer’s account 
  • Ignore – won’t pop up anything and will be as if they don’t have a limit


If you want to enforce credit limits,
you’ll need to add a credit limit on your customer’s account. Default is at $0. 

  1. Navigate to Customer :: Customer :: Manage Customer
  2. Lookup your customer.
  3. Add a credit limit and save like shown.
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Processing a Sale 

  1. On the POS, process a regular sale as normal. Select your customer, pick your SKUs etc. 
  2. Once you’re ready, on the Ticket Payment Screen, select ‘House Charge’ as your tender.
  3. End Sale. The balance of this item is now listed on the customer’s account to pay later. 


Processing a Payment towards a Customer’s Balance 

  1. On the POS, pull up the customer who is going to make a payment.  
  2. Under the Ticket Detail tab, change the transaction type to ‘Charge Payment’ 
  3. Add the amount the customer is paying.
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  4. Navigate to the ‘Ticket Payment’ tab and collect their payment as you would when processing a regular sale.
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  5. This payment will deduct from their customer balance  

Checking the Customer’s Credit Charges/ History 

  1. You can pull up a customer’s account in the  
    - Back Office here: Customer :: Customer :: Manage Screen  
    - Or on the POS 
  2. You can see the Charge Balance as shown below:
    A screenshot of a computer

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  3. You can also review their purchase history and tender history tabs to see what charges have been placed on their account
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Pulling House Charge Reports 

  1. In the back office navigate to Reporting :: Report Creator 
  2. Under the ‘POS’ section, click on the report titled ‘House Charges/ Payment Activity’ 
  3. Adjust any criteria relevant to what you’re wanting to analyze. (for this example, I’m only running the report on the example Customer – Edgar Fish)
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  4. Click ‘Run’  
  5. Download the report from your report manager once it’s finished processing. It will look similar to this:  
    A screenshot of a computer

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