Printing your logo with the HP a799

The best way to flash the receipt printer with a logo is to download and install both the ReceiptWare - Retail and LogoEZ Software.  After they are downloaded and installed complete the following steps:

  1. Open LogoEZ software
  2. Follow the Steps at the top of the screen to convert a .bmp file to a logo file
  3. On the Save options step, click on Save logo definition
  4. Save the logo file in a easily accessible location
  5. Open the Receiptware software
  6. In the Legacy Graphics section, check to box to enable the automatic Top logo
  7. Click Browse to find the recently created logo file
  8. Click File -> Save As and save the AXI file in a good location
  9. Click Tools  -> Download Utility
  10. In the From Selection section, navigate to the folder that contains the .AXI file that was just created
  11. Make sure the Utility that is selected is Script, then select the correct AXI file and click Send
  12. Watch the Status box and wait for the flashing to complete
  13. Exit the Download Utility
  14. Test print.  
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