RICS>POS Update Guide


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing the RICS point of sale and updating Back Office RICS>Pay configurations; if necessary.


IMPORTANT: Before updating your RICS point of sale please ensure your operating system is at minimum Windows 10 Professional and you have completed all Windows updates.  Windows 7 is no longer compatible with RICS>POS.


This document is a resource for retailers to:


Uninstall RICS Point of Sale

  1. Click the Windows icon; lower left of screen



  1. Type ‘Control Panel’



  1. Click the ‘Control Panel’ app



  1. Click ‘Uninstall a program’



  1. Click the ‘RICS POS’ application



  1. Click ‘Uninstall’



  1. Click ‘Yes’



  1. Once the uninstaller has finished, click ‘Close’




Download and Install RICS Point of Sale Update

  1. Click HERE to download the POS application
  2. Double click the ‘pos.exe’ file in your browsers download window; bottom left of page in chrome, upper right of page in edge



  1. Click ‘Yes’



Note: Once installation is complete, you will be directed to the POS login screen


  1. Enter your username and password; click ‘Login’


Confirm Point of Sale Settings

  1. Open the RICS POS application
  2. Enter a username and password; click ‘Login’



  1. Click the ‘Options’ tab; top of page



  1. Click ‘Payment Card’



  1. Confirm the correct terminal is selected in the ‘Selected Terminal’ dropdown



  1. Click ‘Save’


Verify Terminal is Connected

  1. Open the RICS POS application
  2. Enter a username and password to login



  1. Select a ‘Cashier’ from the ‘Ticket Header’ tab



  1. Navigate to the ‘Ticket Detail’ tab to scan or manually enter an item



  1. Navigate to the ‘Ticket Payment’ tab



  1. Select a credit card tender; click ‘End Sale’



Note: The pin pad device should now display a prompt to insert, tap or swipe a card.


  1. Press the red key on the pin pad twice to cancel the transaction
  2. Click ‘Cancel’ on the POS



Confirm Back Office Settings

  1. Login to the RICS Back Office
  2. Navigate to Setup :: Manage Store :: Setup Settings


  1. Enter your RICS Store Number; Click ‘LookUp


  1. Click ‘POS Credit Card Processing’


  1. Confirm Signature Threshold Amount settings


Note 1: To activate this setting, click the checkbox and enter a dollar amount.  Any transaction at or above the dollar amount entered will require a signature.

Note 2: To require a signature for all transactions, enter a value of ‘0’.

Note 3: This setting only applies to retailers using signature capture devices, such as the Verifone MX915.


  1. Confirm Disable Manual Entry settings


Note 1: To activate this setting, click the checkbox and select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the dropdown.

Note 2: When ‘Yes’ is selected, retailers will not be able to manually enter card information on the pin pad.

Note 3: When ‘No’ is selected, retailers will be able to manually enter card information on the pin pad.


  1. Confirm Enable Virtual Terminal setting


Note 1: To activate this setting, click the checkbox and select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the dropdown.

Note 2: When ‘Yes’ is selected, the Virtual Terminal will be available on RICS>POS to process manual transactions.  When ‘No’ is selected, the Virtual Terminal will not be available.


  1. Confirm Disable Duplicate Detection settings


Note 1: To activate this setting, click the checkbox and select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the dropdown.

Note 2: When ‘Yes’ is selected, any time a duplicate transaction is detected a message will appear on the POS providing the option to ‘Retry’, this will allow the transaction to successfully process on the next attempt, or ‘Cancel’, this will take the cashier back to the ‘Ticket Payment’ tab.


Note 3: When ‘No’ is selected, any time a duplicate transaction is detected it will automatically be declined on the pin pad.


  1. Confirm Allow Partial Authorization settings


Note 1: To activate this setting, click the checkbox and select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the dropdown.

Note 2: When ‘Yes’ is selected, if a card is processed that does not have sufficient funds to complete a transaction, the cashier will be prompted to select an additional tender to complete the sale.

Note 3: When ‘No’ is selected, if a card is processed that does not have sufficient funds to complete a transaction, the transaction will be declined.


  1. Confirm Enable Store and Forward settings


Note 1: To activate this setting, click the checkbox and select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the dropdown.

Note 2: When ‘Yes’ is selected, retailers will have the option to enter a Store & Forward Outage Threshold Dollar Amount, the maximum total dollar amount that can be stored during an outage, and a Store & Forward Transaction Threshold Dollar Amount, the maximum dollar amount that can be stored per transaction during an outage.

Note 3: When ‘No’ is selected, processing information will not be stored in the event of an outage.


  1. Click ‘Save’
  2. Confirm Report Batch Start Time setting


Note 1: To activate this setting, click the checkbox and enter a valid batch start time.

Note 2: The time entered in this setting changes the batch open/close time in the Credit Card Processing Reconciliation report ONLY. This setting DOES NOT change the actual batch close time.

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