Duplicate Detection provides security for retailers against charging customer credit cards multiple times. This feature automatically detects when an identical charge is attempted on a customer credit card during the same day. Retailers have an option to automatically decline the duplicate transaction or allow the cashier to approve a duplicate transaction with this feature.
This document is a resource for retailers to:
Enable duplicate detection in the back office
- Login to the RICS Back Office
- Navigate to Setup :: Manage Store :: Setup Settings
- Enter your RICS Store Number; Click ‘LookUp’
- Click ‘POS Credit Card Processing’
- Click the checkbox next to ‘Disable Duplicate Detection’
- Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the dropdown
Note 1: When ‘Yes’ is selected, any time a duplicate transaction is detected a message will appear on the POS providing the option to ‘Retry’, this will allow the transaction to successfully process on the next attempt, or ‘Cancel’, this will take the cashier back to the ‘Ticket Payment’ tab.
Note 2: When ‘No’ is selected, any time a duplicate transaction is detected it will automatically be declined on the pin pad.
- Click ‘Save’
Use Duplicate detection at the rics>POS
Duplicate transactions are identified when the same credit card is used to pay for the same amount as another transaction processed on the same day. This is most commonly seen when a customer purchases an item then decides to purchase the same item again on the same day. Follow the steps below to detect a duplicate transaction at the RICS>POS:
- Select a ‘Cashier’ from the ‘Ticket Header’ tab
- Navigate to the ‘Ticket Detail’ tab to scan or manually enter an item
- Navigate to the ‘Ticket Payment’ tab
- Select a credit card tender; click ‘End Sale’
- The customer will be prompted to complete the transaction on the pin pad device.
Note 1: If ‘Yes’ is selected in the Back Office next to Disable Duplicate Detection, the following message will appear on the POS providing the option to ‘Retry’, this will allow the transaction to successfully process on the next attempt, or ‘Cancel’, this will take the cashier back to the ‘Ticket Payment’ tab.
Note 2: When ‘No’ is selected, any time a duplicate transaction is detected it will automatically be declined on the pin pad.